Nicholas Palmer’s art piece THE PHOENIX RISING at Burning Man, which was a wood phoenix that was burned and revealed a metal phoenix underneath.
The New Moon occurs at 4° Scorpio making an exact opposition to powerhouse Uranus at 4° Taurus, triggering a powerful awakening about our shared values, intimate relationships and partnerships. This energy can come as a shocking surprise to some, as Uranus is known to change things overnight and often packs a punch. With the light of illumination facing down the shadow of Scorpio some hidden truths may be coming up for clearing.
Since Uranus entered Taurus earlier this spring, it has been awakening the collective to the need to make adjustments to our systems regarding money, agriculture, and most noticeably the Environment and the Climate Crisis. We are being forced to address our collective Values, and where they need adjusting to the future that is being birthed. This can be extremely uncomfortable and uneasy, especially with the buildup of planets in Scorpio: Venus, Pallas Athene, Mercury, the Sun and Moon.
Remember that along with the Awakening element, Uranus also has a chaos and trauma frequency that is pretty obvious in the political and world events across the globe. There are millions uprising across the planet against Dictators and Tyrants. The power of the people to address the Shadow of Scorpionic issues is ignited on this lunation.
In your personal experience, you may feel the need to call a spade a spade, and get some TRUTHINESS out of your system-remember to tread lightly. With the water trine to the North Node in Cancer, we are being guided to reach for the emotional ties that soothe and comfort us. We must remind ourselves that a long-term overhaul takes time-and the 18 month transit of the Nodes through Cancer and Capricorn are about rebuilding our foundations to reflect the New Earth values that will be the basis of our 5D/Aquarian Age realities. With Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio in Capricorn holding down the fort for the upcoming January 2020 eclipse-of-a-lifetime, we are being called to clear the wounds out, apply some love, and do whatever it takes to HEAL the shadow. Life is rapidly spiraling towards a new day-where the Phoenix will rise from the ashes and the Scorpion will no longer need to sting out of fear, but rather be the Protector of life.
“To become a master of our thoughts and emotions, like the Phoenix we need to be able to site in the discomfort of the fire. Sitting in the fire is both the process and the initiation. ”
Uranus opposing the New Moon is the most important aspect of this lunation, and the trine to the North Node in Cancer, asks us to steer our ship (and intentions) in the direction of new patterns in TRIBE, FAMILY, EMOTIONAL FULFILLMENT, AND SECURITY.