NEW MOON IN PISCES- magic + inner strength

Sunday, February 23, 2020 - 7:31 AM PST by Victoria Kray

The New Moon in Pisces on early Sunday morning is probably the BEST time for this Cosmic Gift of rest, rejuvenation, and gathering our inner juju for a new lunar cycle in the sign of the Mystic. We are finding ourselves in this internal conversation via the Mercury Rx conjunction to the New Moon. Mercury has been floating backwards since the 16th and will soon retrograde over the Sun and Moon, currently just a few days away. This is the OPTIMAL time to *tune in* and listen to your higher self, and perhaps your entire SPIRIT TEAM of guides, angels, ancestors, and friends on the other side.

You certainly have the SUPPORT of both Mars in Capricorn AND Uranus in Taurus, who BOTH SEXTILE the lunation. Mars is exalted in Capricorn and is pushing his way into the “hot zone” of planets in Capricorn over the next few weeks: first he transits up to the South Node, who has been doing the heavy clearing work of removing and restructuring the stuff that hasn’t been working in Capricorn for well over a year.

Mars is connecting with the sensitive, spiritual Piscean frequency FIRST before meeting up with the Karmic South Node himself this week. He is drawing a helpful 60° bridge over to the Sun and Moon and drawing the strength he will need when he meets the South Node which represents the stuff we must leave behind, the karmic consequences of our previous actions in this lifetime (or others), and the point in the chart that can feel like a drain that is sucking down everything that is not STABLE AF into it for disposal and removal from your life. Best not to reach into that drain once it’s gone. Mars as Motivator-in-Chief is ready to drop stuff off at Good Will and sign-up for that 6 week new workout class!

Meanwhile, on the OTHER SIDE of the lunation, is Uranus in Taurus making that bridge/sextile to the Moon and Sun. Uranus in Taurus is functioning as the Great Awakener, in the sign of solidity, fertility, money, and resources. Uranus shakes up and at times can be chaotic-when change comes via this planet, it can come with a little electric jolt, hence the reason the lightning bolt symbolizes Uranian shifts. He is HELPING offer the stabilizing and grounding energy to the lunation, which can be very, very ungrounded in Pisces. His bridge offers a link for all that psychic, angelic and ethereal energy to flow into our 3D Reality, which is sorely needed on Planet Earth for many.

Another beautiful and extremely HELPFUL aspect of this New Moon is that it is also trine THE NORTH NODE in Cancer-which is calling our collective focus to the WATERY HOME we all share; Gaia, as well as our EMOTIONAL REALITY. The North Node has been transiting through Cancer for almost a year and a half (opposite the South Node) bringing our attention to safety, security, refugee crises, children and water issues, especially on the collective level.

We are being guided to focus though this MAGICAL TRINE on a New Earth that cares for all, provides for all, and is full of LOVE. Pisces is the ultimate energy of Altruism. Cancer is the ideal connection to the Great Mother. When we unite these energies in our intentions and focus, we raise the frequency of the collective and with Mars and Uranus’ help, we can make these IDEAS AND INSPIRATIONS concrete and manifest in our realities.

May your Pisces New Moon be blissful and blessed. May you forgive where called to forgive. May you let go of old habits/patterns/loops that no longer serve you. May the angels answer your prayers and may the answers you get, lead you back to the One Love energy.

HAPPY NEW MOON (from your Astrologer with the New moon happening exactly conjunct my natal Pisces Moon) - I really do love you all and thank you for your support.


Mercury Rx is conjunct the lunation at 9° Pisces

Uranus in Taurus is sextile the New Moon

Mars in Capricorn is sextile the New Moon

The North Node in Capricorn is trine the New Moon

Photo by @harimaolee via Instagram

Photo by @harimaolee via Instagram






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