-by Victoria Kray, Victory Astrology


The Autumnal Equinox and the LIBRA season begins with a powerful chart. The RULE OF LAW, our ideas about JUSTICE and FAIRNESS, and the issues around the current Political Election in the United States are especially heated. Democracy is under threat around the world in 2020 with a rise in Authoritarianism and an attack on the Democratic process and ideals, more importantly are happening. Those of us who are feeling the pressure to RISE UP and make our voices heard have the assistance of a few powerful Asteroid Goddesses, as a new season begins.

First is Ceres in Pisces, Goddess of Agriculture and a symbol of Nurturance + Sustenance, as well as the archetype of the Grieving Mother; she is making a Quincunx (150° angle) to the Sun at 0° Libra. This is showing us that we may have food distribution problems in the next 6 months, as well as a reminder that we must care about our vulnerable brothers and sisters . Libra is about RELATIONSHIPS and calls for balance. It is the ultimate essence of WIN-WIN when in alignment. This challenging aspect of Ceres in Pisces is asking us to take a closer look at how we SPIRITUALLY nurture others and what we need to do to help others not fall into cynicism, addiction, depression at this time.

Next we have Eris in Aries, the Goddess of Discord + Identity Chaos, as well as Bad Ass sister of Mars opposing Mercury in Libra, who is entering PRE-SHADOW phase of upcoming MERCURY RX within 24 hours of Equinox. (Mercury Rx is 10/13-11/3 -yes, Mercury is stationing direct on Election Day.) We are SEEING very clearly how the chaos-machine that the power players create to distract. We are seeing very clearly that the Divine Feminine that has been REPRESSED + DENIED is rising up. Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing right before the Equinox, was the proverbial torch being passed to every Feminist out there. If ever there was a time to call back all of our fragmented pieces of ourselves (Eris) for the common good of all, it is now.

And finally, Vesta in Leo, the Goddess of Protection + the Sacred Flame, is conjunct Venus, the Ruler of this Libra Equinox. It is noteworthy that this degree of 18° Leo is the degree of the still-talked-about Grand Cross Total Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999. This was the degree where the North Node was when Columbine massacre happened, and indicates that big energies are being activated. To steer these energies in a healthy and positive direction, we must remember that Sacred Sexuality + Creativity (Vesta) and Personal Well Being (Venus) are needed to consciously be connected with from a LOVING PLACE (Leo). With Justice Ginsburg’s passing, I have a feeling the passion and generous spirit of LEO of being ignited for the Feminine Collective on the planet.

As with all the Equinoxes and Solstices, we are heading into a new season, one that includes a MARS RX already in process (thru 11/13), an upcoming Mercury Rx in Scorpio (deep transformations coming!), and a socio-cultural shift that is bringing together many different tribes of people to WORK TOGETHER for the good of all. So we can create a society that CARES about others and DEMANDS Equality + Justice for All, not just when it’s politically convenient.

Be Gentle, but Be Strong! We need you balanced and working both sides of the brain. And if you need help finding out the BEST WAY for you to personally apply the energies, join my 5th VICTORY ASTROLAB-the Supermars series. Focusing on: Astro-activism, ‘working our own MARS Magic,’ and building a coalition within your local community for CHANGE. (See SIGN UP page for details).

SUGGESTED COURSE OF ACTION ::: Cut through the Maya-rise above the CHAOS. Time for MENTAL PRECISION and CLARITY. SEXUAL HEALING is on order for the entire planet. RECOMMIT to caring and nurturing the vulnerable. Sharpen your SWORDS.