ALL THINGS Venus are on the Menu
June 8, 2023- Victoria Kray
VENUS is the Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Money. She entered LEO on Monay, June 5 and will remain in her extended visit through October 8. Normally she flies through a sign per month, but due to her upcoming retrograde we get to receive her grace wherever Leo falls in our chart for FOUR MONTHS+. This is a juicy opportunity.
She retrogrades every 18 months-ish and repeats her retrograde sign every 8 years, so the last time she was retrograde in Leo was July 2015, specifically from July 25 to September 6, 2015. Think back to what was going on in your life. Do a little research and perhaps leaf through an old journal if you have it.
I specifically recall that I didn’t realize my passport was EXPIRED when I was about to go on a fun, international vacation. It was QUITE the bummer (and I felt ‘cheated’ of a vacation when I had been in an intense cycle of financial growth/work and really needed it). I also recall being scammed in my jewelry business by two women who had a big brand that was sold in a very high-end department store in NYC that I really wanted to sell my jewels in. They basically preyed on me with the lure of a “collaboration,” that would be sold in that store. They buttered me up (very seductive Venus qualities) and acted over time as if we were ‘friends’ and then tried to get my designs for themselves. They claimed the store wanted the designs without my brand name attached and ACTUALLY thought they could just help themselves to my work. When I said ‘hell to the NO,’ they pulled the “we are women who are small business owners-why can’t you just GIVE it to us? We thought you would want to help other women!” I told them I had the paper trail of my design work well documented, and all the evidence that would look very bad in a court room. That shut them up! I guess Venus in Leo helped me ROAR really loud and clear.
This was a BIG lesson in shadow feminine predatory types! And the one who did the most preying upon me WAS A LEO, (the type who posted pictures of herself on Instagram riding a horse bare back naked -such a Leo thing to do). The harsh reality check of not being seduced so easily -I was way too trusting and naive. Venus in Leo can be CHILDLIKE.
So is this a cautionary tale about VENUS RETROGRADE? Yes. You know the saying, “the heart wants what the heart wants?” Well, sometimes we want to see something so badly, that we allow ourselves to be lost in the glitterati of Venus. Some may be easily fooled and I hope that while I fully want to cheer you on to your best SUMMER OF LOVE, I suggest you look back and see what lessons you got last time. So you won’t make that mistake again.
Then when you are prepared for the transit, you will know what to watch out for-and what to embrace. This will all depend on your natal chart and how it is getting ACTIVATED by Venus. This is why HOROSCOPES just don’t cut it for such significant transits.
Order your SUMMER 2023 PERSONAL FORECAST below and see how this is directly impacting you.