Quick! Find your bliss........MID-JULY Update

Mars has entered Virgo and Mercury enters Leo tonight. While we have 10 days left of Cancer season, get your GOOD VIBES/FULL BELLIES on. Next week there are some whopper big energies! The nodes of fate and destiny are massively activated next week with Pluto squaring the nodal axis.

Pluto’s motto: Evolve or Die

Be prepared to spin into your bliss, but first you must swim the sharks. And you must make nice with your inner demons. Mars in Virgo will help on the SELF-CARE. Rest, meditate, proactively go on a health kick, be good to yourself.

Refine your routines!

Listen to my WEEK AHEAD audio report for the specifics. Be well.



p.s. Note that Mars is now in Virgo, where Mercury will be next from July 28-October 4, an extended stay due to his upcoming RX in VIRGO from Aug 23-Sept 22. PAY ATTENTION and work with Mars to PREPARE for Mercury’s retrograde lesson next in about 6 weeks.