See how all the circled planets are in the final decans of their signs (the final 10 degrees, between 20 and 30°)? This means they are all “connected” and vibing with one another. Today, the Sun in Libra squares Mars in Cancer…and I am definitely feeling my Inner Fire being stoked.
We build up over next 3 days to the FULL MOON IN ARIES CONJUNCT ERIS AND SQUARE PLUTO!!! For. The. Last. Time. Ever. Pluto is at 29° Capricorn Direct as of last Friday, and is marching out the door and into Aquarius on November 19! Heads are rolling as he exits….let’s see what Pluto will reveal. Some big names are under fire for their crimes, and the Criminal of the Century, Donald J. Trump has made it to YET ANOTHER election. He is the Ultimate “Mediocre Man” which I discuss in the WEEK AHEAD.
It’s three weeks until the election and it’s clear: this election is about Women vs. Medicore Men. Men who have had everything handed to them, and still want to oppress any and all competition to their free rein.
On a personal level, many will find themselves at the HEALING + TRANSFORMATION PHASE of the Pluto in Capricorn era. The suffering and dark nights of the soul have already passed. The hard lessons, deaths, and endings have come and gone. Some will find themselves already seeing signs about the future, and are experiencing the rewards that come from doing the real SOUL WORK + GROWTH that has not been easy.
I’m so thrilled to see and hear so many of my clients, especially the ones I’ve worked with for years so I know their journeys over the years, reach this place. I feel it in my own life, too. I can see the synthesis and integration happening of all the deepest experiences, many very painful. I can see the gold that is forming where there was lead. My optimism is returning…and My deep desire to fight for my rights, especially as a woman are activated.
Let’s do this. Mars is moving towards his first (of 3) oppositions to Pluto, and this is the only opposition while Pluto is in Capricorn. The final two (due to Mars’ rx Dec-Feb ‘25) are January 3, 2025, and April 26, 2025 when Pluto is in Aquarius. This is the hammer and nails. What are you gonna do with your hammer and nails?