Venus enters Leo - JULY 11-AUG 4

you can't start a fire without a spark


you can't start a fire without a spark 〰️

JULY 8- Venus has the microphone this week-and is the ruler of the big astrology coming one week from today. This is the highly energized meeting on JULY 15 of Mars and Uranus at 26° Taurus. As Venus is the ruler of Taurus (and Libra), this is happening on her home turf. At her Casa. In her garden. At her table. Her input and awareness are essential.

THIS WEEK: Before her grand entrance into Leo, Venus wraps up in Cancer and has three VERY IMPORTANT conversations with:

1. Uranus 26° Taurus, where Mars and Uranus meet JULY 15

2. Neptune Rx 29° Pisces in the VERY LAST DEGREE OF THE ZODIAC-extra!

3. Pluto Rx at 1° Aquarius (who will be in Capricorn again from SEPT 1- NOV 19. ) but now is at the gateway of the Aquarian Age.

VENUS VIBES: She may feel weepy and emotional, sentimental, and longing for something that can’t be satiated. She may feel super happy and artistic for some. But whatever she is FEELING in Cancer, is paving the way for a transit through Leo.

LAST TIME VENUS WAS IN LEO: You may remember last year’s VENUS transit from JUNE 5-OCT 8, and her RETROGRADE JULY 22-SEPT 3. It was a doozy. The Maui fires happened. The Oct. 7 attacks happened on the last day Venus was in Leo, on the anaretic degree. There were quite a few break-ups and shake-ups in the public. She made her ‘Venus starpoint’ (meeting with the Sun) on AUG 13 at 20° Leo. Did this trigger anything in your chart? Because in our personal lives there was some fire that raged on for a while-did it ignite something positive in you, or did it burn down the proverbial house? Think back and reflect. Did you find your passion? Did it make your heart sing? Did you have any health inflammation issues (burning skin, rashes, etc)?

PERSONAL: I had some female drama for sure, and releasing of some old relationships that were not in alignment with my needs (Venus). I felt like I was caring for my inner child and looking out for her.

Re HEALTH: Inflammation was off the charts. It was harsh but also a very sweet time for me and my pup in Laguna Beach for the end of her last summer (she passed in December ‘23). As this transit was in my 5H (children) and in my 6H (pets/health), I was uncomfortable with minor health flare-ups from my past, and my dog had a few minor health issues that kept us laying low. As hard as some aspects of the Venus retrograde were, I will always cherish the sweetness (Venus) of life with my dog, who was the only child I’ve ever had. There was an overabundance of love and light-hearted fun by the ocean and in the sunshine. Looking back, it’s actually perfect how it all went down.