MAY 2024: The month of May is always a time of peak SPRING vibes here in the Northern hemisphere: May Day, Beltane and the fertility rituals . It’s the fixed modality month of the season. It is indeed firmly a LUSH energy, which exudes the essence of the Goddess. Mother Earth. Gaia. The Maiden/The Mother/The Crone. We celebrate the Mothers-and Mothers Day in the US is celebrated May 12. For many who have made it through a cold winter, this is a wildly exciting energy after being cooped up inside for so long.
And this May we kick off the month with Venus, the ruler of Taurus having just arrived herself (today, April 29) and making an opening square to Pluto in Aquarius. She is being tasked at thinking back to February 17, of this year, when she was in a conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius. Now this is the opening square and she is feeling the EVOLUTIONARY energy that is Pluto. She is being asked to think about that JUPITER + URANUS conjunction that just happened on April 20 (that we are still deeply feeling, and seeding the fruits of a 14 year cycle in Taurus from). Before she runs off into hedonism and self-indulgence she needs to check in with everything that just happened in eclipse season + mercury rx. She is going to be heading towards Jupiter + Uranus herself, and meet them in a few weeks. So she is conversing with both Pluto and Uranus-both karmic outer planets that are pushing us collectively and personally towards NEW TIMELINES.
I hope you are ready to release and relax and refresh in May. For those of you who are new here, or who haven’t heard me quietly mention, I am happily moving to Maui for the foreseeable future. I’m really looking forward to sharing more soon-the opportunity came up and I took it. And it seems pretty divinely guided, so I am thrilled. Looks like the APP will launch from Maui, the same place I launched my jewelry business in 2010, the last time Jupiter + Uranus met up in Pisces….there are no such things as coincidences! Mercury Rx and other astrology slowed it down, but it will be birthing at the exact right moment. I look forward to being able to do some deep work while I am there on the islands.
My books are open for a few dates only in May-see updated calendar below and go directly to my Acuity Scheduling to book readings for Zoom sessions. In the near future, I will offer in-person readings on Maui.for those visiting or locals. And an astrology retreat in the near future for sure!
Here’s to WORLD PEACE in May, and an end to senseless violence on our home planet.
xPEACE Victoria
1- Third Quarter Moon
2-Pluto stations RETROGRADE - OCT 11
3- Mars sextile Pluto
6- Saturn semi-square Pluto (flashback to their conjunction in JAN ‘20)
7-New Moon in Taurus 18°
13- Sun conjunct Uranus Taurus 23°
15-Victoria’s 50TH BIRTHDAY:)
First Quarter Moon, Mercury enters Taurus, Ceres stations RETROGRADE
16-Pallas enters Scorpio
18-Sun conjunct Jupiter-Cazimi!
19- Mars conjunct North Node 14°56’
20- Sun enters Gemini
23-Jupiter sextile Neptune , Venus conjunct Jupiter, Venus enters Gemini, Full Moon in Sag 2°
24-Jupiter semi-square North Node
25-Jupiter enters Gemini , Venus trine Pluto
28- Jupiter quintile Saturn
29-Mars conjunct Chiron in Aries 22°
30-Last quarter Moon , Mercury conjunct Uranus
DATES I’m available in May for personal sessions: