SUN + URANUS conjunction : building the new earth



The era of Uranus in Taurus is being shown to us now, highlighted by this week’s conjunction with the Sun in Taurus. If Uranus is the future, rapid innovation, Revolution, and Freedom from the Known, how does that energy feel in Taurus, (the fixed Earth sign that doesn’t exactly love changes, especially unexpected changes)? Uranus will be in Taurus until July 2025, so we will have 7 years to make the most of this transit.

In practical terms, the electrical, kundalini, lightening bolt-like energy of Uranus meeting the Sun this week can have our bodies/nervous systems feeling frazzled. It’s a good time to work on our GROUNDING TECHNIQUES and take extra care to rest. On top of the celestial climate, we are having major energy surges coming from the Sun, intensifying this ‘process’ even more. Sadly, when these energies present themselves in the collective, there is usually an upturn in violence, which was seen all over the world with more Church bombings and radical behavior in the extreme shadow. Even more reason to dedicate an extra meditation this week to World Peace.

Holy, holy-I have personally been feeling these UPGRADES in my body like a Mother…. I had a massive energy surge, a few sleepless nights and several experiences of technical difficulty, kind of like a mini Mercury Rx. With the conjunction being in my first house, I’m really feeling it in my body and head, which the 1st house rules. Several days of dizziness that then opened up to many VISIONS of the future, all the while sirens and police cars have been whizzing by my building sounding like a movie.

With extra SELF-CARE game on point, I feel calm inside somehow and am happy that this space has been born. I will be expanding my services beyond personal readings and teaching the VICTORY AstroLab, to the Weekly reports, and sharing my personal life HERE through the lens of Astrology. Stay tuned for an update on Pluto and Saturn going Rx in Capricorn!

And Happy Birthday to all the Tauruses!
