May 1, 2019- Since last Wednesday, we have had some MAJOR astrology transits that are KEY to the unfolding events, leading up to the MEGA-CAP Eclipse in January, 2020. Both uber-serious planets, Saturn + Pluto have both begun their yearly retrogrades (Saturn through September 18, and Pluto through October 3). While the outer planets are Retrograde almost half of the year and their effects are not the same as personal planet retrogrades, they are very important indeed. When Mercury, Venus, and Mars are RX, we feel these on a more obvious level. When the outer planets STATION retrograde (the few days they are basically appearing to ‘stand still’) these are felt as BIG events or PRESSURES. I personally suffered from pre-migraine/intense headaches, and have been hearing about a lot of physical ailments that come from our systems being ‘depressed’ (Saturn) or from ‘soul pressure’ (Pluto) to Evolve or Die. It can seem like an Existential Crisis gets dropped in your lap and for a few days you can’t accomplish anything or that it becomes OBVIOUS WHAT IS NO LONGER WORKING. And if you are lucky, you didn’t have those symptoms, but felt like a Catalyst has finally arrived to get you Taking Care of Business like the Boss of your Life that you are. Give yourself a few days to shake off the stress if you got hit with a doozy-it will pass. (This Saturday’s New Moon in Taurus will be a good Re-Set).
Saturn + Pluto are slow movers and represent the larger arcs of our lives and their long-term unfoldment, especially when both are traveling through CAPRICORN-the sign that rules the Government, the Church (organized World Religions) Authority, Sovereignty, and the bigger Institutions that affect our Global Society. It has become a Critical Issue that we Rise Up AGAINST OPPRESSION, like the Mountain Goat, through sheer tenacity and will power- for YOU, in the Capricorn ruled houses/areas of your life. (See your free chart on to locate 14-23° of Capricorn, where these planets will be holding ground, until all the other planets come for the Big Event next year.) If you have planets, angles of your chart, or anything making aspects to those degrees, you are feeling this. Everyone is feeling it or will be soon. Best BE PREPARED-thankfully Astrology is the perfect tool to navigate these waters.
The KEY to riding the upcoming big waves, is to address and identify the processes of MATURITY that are being called upon in our lives, personally and collectively. In my VICTORY ASTRO-LAB last night, I spoke about how we can liken the crisis of our times, to the Titanic before it sank. It’s not impossible to steer the ship in the right direction, but it’s going to take ALL HANDS ON DECK and luckily WE HAVE TIME TO COURSE-CORRECT. Everyone reading this is either a student of Astrology or found themselves here for a reason. You already have this knowledge inside and it’s being re-Awakened.
We need to take our biggest ADULT -selves to task and use some grit and muscle to effect the changes in our lives that will help the collective. While you may not be feeling so connected personally to Politics or the take-down of the Catholic Church and it’s pandemic of Pedophilia, you certainly have RESPONSIBILITIES and things that you must take care of to function in our world, which Capricorn focuses on. Mars is currently at 20° of Gemini making a Quincunx (aka Inconjunct) to the Saturn + South Node conjunction in Capricorn-which is requiring some finesse to gain the benefits from. Quincunxes can be a genius energy-so call in that A-Ha Download to GET THE MESSAGE OF HOW TO PROCEED in your journey that is unfolding. Mars in Gemini has been squaring Neptune in Pisces which was also not-the-easiest…but is now preparing to pull forward and ACTIVATING the “Plan” (via ideas, communications, discussions, projects) of your path to Mastery. A quincunx pulls together discordant energies (Saturn in Capricorn VERY different than Mars in Gemini), but they are a team together….and Mars is saying “THINK ABOUT WHAT DIDN’T WORK AND LET IT GO” because Saturn is sitting with the South Node and we are RELEASING the past, and allowing for new growth as we move forward into our strategy.
So, give yourself a minute; shake off the dust and clean off your glasses if they’ve misted up. It’s going to be 100% better when we face our worst fears and make the sacrifices needed to get to the PROMISED LAND (the Golden Age, the Aquarian Age, 5D, Next Level). There is nothing that you cannot handle and if you made it this far, CONGRATS.
Once Saturn + Pluto make their exact conjunction in early 2020, we will have a new 35 year synodic cycle that will be built on a foundation of INTEGRITY and true strength, vs. dominance and exploitation… Help me Goddess. Today is BELTANE, the Sacred Pagan Holiday celebrating FERTILITY and ALL THINGS SEX-POSITIVE, so let’s Create the New Earth based on this energy! #VICTORY
Who’s in?