Full Moon at 22° Aquarius- 8:29 AM PST/5:29 AM
After a summer of retrogrades, an as-expected super intense Eclipse season, AND a whopper of a Mercury Rx in Leo/Cancer (now FINALLY over today on the Full Moon, as Mercury is beyond the point where it initially stationed Rx), we have been forced to change and brace for the MEGA-CAPRICORN ECLIPSE of January 2020. We know there is a huge PARADIGM SHIFT in the making over these next years and we know that we are part of the shift.
Typically, Eclipses, bring significant life events and periods of CHANGE, depending on what they hit in your natal chart. Remember- we have been in the CANCER-CAPRICORN Eclipse Cycle this year, but we were in the LEO-AQUARIUS Eclipse Cycle prior, from 2017-early 2019. and those THEMES are up again on this FULL MOON. The past 2 years we were tested on our creative abilities and the networks we share with and socialize in, as well as our CONNECTION or DISCONNECTION to the Collective. We saw a mass rise of divisive energies on social media (AQUARIUS). Many folks had to break up and break off from previous scenes and scenarios and head for greener pastures. I basically stopped even looking at my Facebook page, because it is so gross to me at this point. After the 2016 election, my inner URANIAN decided to just blow it off…and there were positive and negative consequences. On one hand, I felt great-not dealing with it! On the other hand, it definitely affected my small jewelry business as I refused to play the game anymore over there…and I personally saw how Instagram pretty much became Facebook 2.0 as a strictly PAY-TO-PLAY business model. They started eliminating you with their Algorithms if you don’t advertise (or if you don’t follow the “mainstream” and duplicate the visual template and aesthetic that permeates all the ‘big pages’ on that platform). The conformity is a SNOOZEFEST to me and I figured out a lot about how I want to do business and how I want to network. So, THIS YEAR, is all about creating a STRUCTURE to facilitate sharing my GIFTS with the collective while maintaining my VALUES and RE-ORGANIZING where needed.
Looking back, I see the past 2 years of LEO/AQUARIUS eclipse cycle as a point in time where extreme narcissism became very apparent in the collective, as evidenced by the Narcissist-in-Chief, Donald Trump (with a 28° LEO ASC, by the way). HE became the expression of our collective shadow LEO. Many can now see, after that era, that all that glitters is not gold. It’s been extremely painful for those of us, who knew from day one, that this guy is the WORST of US. Watching this megalomaniac for two+ years has been enough to make some of us wanna go crazy. We’ve endured his deliberate whipping up of his base into a frenzy of violence and we are seeing the results. Today’s FULL MOON chart (see below) has MARS back in the same degree of DT’s Ascendant and where it was on the August 17, 2019 Total Solar Eclipse. This cannot be good for him. Something’s gotta give and this AQUARIUS Full Moon with heavy LEO lineup will possibly activate Mars to render him speechless somehow, and hopefully not get triggered and do something really crazy.
Let’s experiment with POSITIVE creativity (as I don’t want to send out shadow energy!): VISUALIZE a sleeping Donald Trump, like a little baby in his crib. He needs to be placed in a healing zone with about 1000 Angels working on him day and night. Let’s harness that LEO LOVE BRIGADE and send it his way. We need it if we want to steer this ship around! ALL HANDS ON DECK, has been my mantra for this year.
(REMINDS ME OF : I once attended a group therapy circle on Anger during the Bush era and we were instructed to visualize hugging/holding the first person who entered our mind when the instructor asked “Who do you feel hatred for more than anyone?” I visualized Dick Cheney and “embraced him with all the love” I had in me for an hour. This is a very effective tool for taking RESPONSIBILITY for our reactions and triggers and DOING THE SHADOW WORK.)
Now that the Nodal Transits are in CANCER/CAPRICORN as of January 2019, we have been guided by the cosmos to RE-ALIGN with proper TRIBE, find nurturing/caring/trustworthy relationships, and to FIX FOUNDATIONAL issues in the structures of our personal lives. We are being tested collectively on the themes affecting the DIVINE FEMININE and being guided by the North Node in Cancer about: issues of SAFETY, Mothers/Children, the Refugee crisis, the abuse of Migrant children, Abortion, National Crisis with Gun epidemic, etc. We are being asked to mature, take RESPONSIBILITY for ourselves and our FELLOW HUMANS. Metaphorically, the cracks in the ceiling are showing, and there is water leaking throughout the house. It seems like everywhere we turn, there are huge crises that seemingly ripple out. As I have been preaching all year to my VICTORY ASTROLAB students and clients, THIS IS THE YEAR TO MAKE THE CHANGES. This is the time to put petty shit aside and move towards the people who SEE YOU, appreciate you, make you feel SAFE and certainly don’t make you feel INSECURE. With the SOUTH NODE transiting in CAPRICORN for 18 months, we are seeing one ugly stain after another on our SYSTEM. We are seeing Institutions being eroded, for better or worse. In your own chart, the lineup in CAP is challenging you to LET GO of whatever wasn’t working there for you, where you need to step into your own AUTHORITY, and what needs to be RELEASED from the past 18/19 years, since the last time the Nodes were transiting in CAN/CAP, in July 2000-2002. Many of my students were able to see how the same ISSUES played out now as those years 18 and 19 years ago.
Let’s look to TODAY and how this lunation is connecting all these dots:
Since the NEW MOON IN LEO, we have been through a LOT of powerful activations including an ongoing YOD, or Finger of God (a major DESTINY/FATE activator) pointing at the SUN + VENUS in Leo.
In past two weeks, we just experienced all these MAJOR events:
8-8 LION’S GATE PORTAL -upgrade to our heart/spirtual systems, related to fixed star Sirius
8-13 VENUS STARPOINT - Venus + Sun conjunction 21° LEO
MERCURY RX SHADOW ending August 15
JUPITER went DIRECT August 11
URANUS went RX August 11
Again, LEO is about CREATIVITY, SOUL-EXPRESSION, and all our PERSONAL GIFTS that we share with the COLLECTIVE via the opposite sign AQUARIUS. We have a SUN/VENUS conjunction in LEO that is opposing the MOON at 22° of AQUARIUS in today’s lunation-so it’s a big DEAL that Venus is a major player. We are shaking out the dust from whatever collapsed in Eclipses and are meant to focus on the heart-activation of our LEO expressions after all the upgrades and lessons . AGAIN, like in the LEO/AQUARIUS 2 year Eclipse cycle, we’re being given another opportunity to SHIFT HIGHER. Our creative collaborations and money arrangements are needing to move into alignment with our new values system. Get used to continually having to RE-ASSESS + RE-ALIGN. Our discernment has been tested all year and now we can apply those lessons towards groups who better match with us and where we can SHINE. Mercury direct is squaring URANUS RX, conversing with one another about the shift into 5D and how we are grounding in THE NEW EARTH- (TALKIN’ ABOUT A REVOLUTION indeed!) At this point, we are needing to continue to develop our gifts, continue to let go of obstacles to your FREEDOM, and most importantly commit to WORK WITH OTHERS to take back the power for the People!