art by @eti1981

art by @eti1981


Remember the New Moon in Cancer Solar Eclipse on July 2? Ask yourself: How did I spend that day and did anything BIG HAPPEN? With a month of a lot of Cancer energy, we have been digging down (into our Cancer ruled bellies) for the buried feelings to come up and out. We have been getting in touch with what we really need to feel SAFE + SECURE + EMOTIONALLY NOURISHED. We have had “stuff” come up about our Mothers and the love we received (or did not receive) from them. We have been processing the concept of a beautiful healing FAMILY OF CHOICE; connecting to the TRIBE you are soul mates with, and where you are in that journey. There are changes afoot. Some who have been in longterm situations that no longer serve us, will find the strength to align with better partners (on FAITH that they deserve to be happy!), while some who have been on a solo journey for what seems like forever, will find themselves soon in a safe haven with a loving family unit that allows them to soar out into the world now that their foundation is secure (that’s me, and my intention!) It’s time, babies. Adjustments have been UP and on our minds. What have you discovered or remembered?

There was definitely a beautiful Mother Earth vibe on the day of the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Cancer for me personally. It was in my fourth house near my IC and near my natal Mars in Cancer (asking me: what drives/motivates me? An emotional connection to something-if I don’t CARE, there is no way I will do it). I felt very connected to Mother Earth that day and very grateful for knowing what I need and want within (fourth house), and for all the blessings I already am enjoying (being the Authority in my life, Capricorn MC and all the action in my 10th).

What was the most noteworthy thing I can remember from that day, is I had a beautiful run-in with a snake while at the park with my dog. I felt super BLISSED OUT that morning and when I almost stepped on the beautifully patterned snake (not sure what it was , but not a normal brown/black snake). This snake had green and gold in it and was tiny and sleek. It had a distinctly feminine vibe. It stopped and I sent it the energy of “I DO YOU NO HARM-ONLY LOVE.” Then I waited to see if I needed to run. It sat and peacefully went on its way. I knew it was a *sign* and I made a mental note to put that down in the journal. I’ve since seen so many snakes in art and online. They kept speaking to me. Snakes medicine can indicate many things including Medicine, Healing/Transformation and creativity. I know that I am creating a new version of my old dreams and that snake shared that messages in various ways over the past two weeks.

It seems these supernatural situations and encounters with nature that are special, seem to amp up during ECLIPSE PORTALS. How about you? Drop a line in the comments below if you had any good strange and psychic experiences with animals, babies, and all things that fall under the care of THE MOTHER and all the creatures and plants that live on her HOME.

We now find ourselves at the end of this journey at this PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE IN CAPRICORN, conjunct Pluto. Knowing that the events surrounding ECLIPSE CYCLES ripple out for 6 months and may have already been active in the prior month to the eclipse. Most of us, have had highs + lows and I’m hoping that if you are reading this you’ve got a CLEAR idea of what you should be RELEASING AND LETTING DIE in the Capricorn arenas of life, or as related to the house it falls in on the NATAL CHART.

PLUTO at 21° CAP is the main player in this dynamic, as the Moon falls at 24° CAPRICORN opposing the SUN at 24° CANCER. We are witnessing all kinds of PLUTONIAN themes in our society, with the ugliest and darkest shadow aspects of our collective culture (greed, abuse, corruption, racism, xenophobia, violence, cruelty) are all PLUTO showing us via his conjunction to the MOON what is totally NOT IN ALIGNMENT with the vision of the North Node in Cancer during these years of MASSIVE shifts on the Cancer and Capricorn axis.

art by @yinshadowz

art by @yinshadowz

PLUTO says “No shortcuts” and in this case: to the Garden of Eden. We must do the work of restructuring our society to accommodate and provide from her GREAT BOUNTY for ALL. We’ve got to get back to the Garden.

May your Eclipse be a huge relief. May your Eclipse be something that feels LIBERATING. May your little death be orgasmic. May you delight in knowing that half of the work is just deciding to LET GO of what cannot come with you into your HIGHER TIMELINE. The bus for 5D is leaving in January and you need to book your ticket now and start packing.