While it may be hard to believe things could get worse or more challenging, I encourage you to mentally brace for the psychic temperatures in the collective to spike repeatedly in August (and throughout the remainder of the year).   Prepare your COOLING and CALMING rituals-as Mars, the Warrior planet, is on the move through his home sign Aries, and is making antagonizing squares to Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn.  These 3 mega-powerful planets are responsible for the epic breakdown and dismantling of antiquated systems and institutions on Earth in 2020, (where they haven’t met up in over 700 years!) The pandemic was the catalyst for this breakdown, but it was actually just the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back.  

The long-overdue transition into the Aquarian Age is much greater than the virus or any one world leader or billionaire.  A massive expansion in the collective consciousness has been required for many years and humanity has finally arrived at our moment of truth.  We cannot proceed as we have previously on a planet where 1% of the population holds 90%+ of the wealth and where 90% of the population owes more than 70% of the debt; where billions of people don’t have clean water; and where our abuse of Gaia and the Divine Feminine has eroded a critical sense of BALANCE.  

While that may sound horrible and depressing, we have known these things for years and then a little tiny virus came along (no matter how it originated) that completely knocked us on our collective behind, especially here in the United States.  Here, the pandemic has been wildly politicized and totally mishandled, misrepresented, and denied and has most sane folks feeling despair.  It has unfortunately turned a whole other segment of the population into a Cult of Personality centered around a reality show host (based on that “super successful BusinessMan” schtick) who got into politics on the racist birtherism movement.  His campaign was the permission for other racists to come out of the closet and even the MAGA (Make America Great Again) idea is about turning back the clock of time to an era, pre-Civil Rights, when it was “really good” for middle class white America.  Cut to this summer- we saw the explosion of BLACK LIVES MATTER pushing back and creating a whole new wave of the Civil Rights movement. 

GOOD NEWS: going backwards and regressing society does not align with the New Earth and the Aquarian Age.  This decade began with a message:  get it together, or else.  As grueling and devastating it has been for many, the comfort and usefulness of astrology is being able to see things from the MACRO perspective and applying the understanding to our personal lives.  As Mars is the personal planet of our WILL and DESIRE and MOTIVATION, let’s look at his moves this month and plan accordingly.


For starters, Mars makes a dazzling and impassioned 6 month+ journey through ARIES this year, as opposed to his normal 6 week transit per sign.  He travels retrograde every 2 years and was last Rx in Aries in 1988!   By the opening of August, he is in the second half of his sign and starts making squares to the “situation” in fellow Cardinal energy Capricorn.  Cardinal signs are about change and initiation.  Mars will square JUPITER (8/4), PLUTO (8/13), and SATURN (8/24) who are all retrograde themselves.  In August he is in his “pre-shadow” phase before his own retrograde (9/9-11/13) so MARS is showing us where the needed work will be and where we can expect to run into issues.  Also quite noteworthy is (8/17) as Mars will conjoin with planet Eris, the Goddess of Discord (and Mars’ sister in mythology) who instigates, agitates, and exposes hypocrisy, abuse, and corruption in a square to Pluto.  She and “the Lord of the Underworld” have been doing this difficult dance for several years building up to 2020.  

Remember when Attorney General William Barr squashed the democratic process with the blockage of the release of the Mueller report in April of 2019 and we saw the blatant hubris of a corrupt, Patriarchal government?  Then there was the “suicide” of Jeffrey Epstein, serial child sex trafficker (which many believe was orchestrated by the powerful men that serve to go down when exposed for their participation in his abuse ring).  No coincidence, William Barr’s father was the Headmaster at the Dalton School where he hired Jeffrey Epstein in the 1970s, cementing a lifelong bond between the Barrs and Epstein, along with their buddy DJT).  That was the beginning of the Eris square Pluto era (2019-2021 and peaking to exactitude in December, 2020).   The Divine Feminine Consciousness of Eris pushed the “Golden Apple of Discord” (research the start of the Trojan War) into the collective’s face and said “Wait til you see what else has been going on.”  In August, we will see this conflict again at a fever pitch by Mars throwing a match on it.  

POSITIVE NOTE:  You will FEEL Mars and this is an opportunity to get strong, and prepare to move in a direct motion before next month’s pivot, when that energy will turn within, as Aries is the sign of self.  Whatever Mars is triggering in Capricorn for you is a massive momentum of change, even if it feels difficult right now.  Nobody said it was easy to become a Warrior.


Venus spends an extended time in Gemini for 4 months in 2020,  and just had her own once-in-8-year retrograde in Gemini in May/June.  She stimulated our conversations about our VALUES, what we want, and how we are going about that.  The murder of George Floyd sparked these extremely polarized responses we saw in our world-Gemini rules Duality, after all, and opposing viewpoints.  She made 3 squares to Neptune in Pisces since April-highlighting our ideals and inspiration for a new Golden Age on one side, and mass delusion on the other (like, “you have no control over anything and nothing you believe is real” via the Gaslighting technique of dominance).   I called it the “seeing what you want to see” affliction back in the spring.  Many have fallen into this denial of reality, and again buying into the extreme fear-based narratives out there that suggest WE cannot create a free society no matter what we do.  DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE!

In August VENUS finally departs the home of the Twins for Cancer (8/7), just after she conjoins the North Node at 28° Gemini, which is a really sweet transit that happens once a year approximately; the last time was in Cancer  8/16-8/17 of 2019.  She will transition from her thinking space and move into the heart/emotional space in the water sign of HOME, THE MOON, and our INNER EMOTIONAL LANDSCAPE  The Goddess of love, money, and beauty definitely offers to help us find a soft energy in our hearts and a love for what we do have (our homes, families, safety, security).  Since this love Goddess is related to our values, her meeting up with DESTINY is a time to get very clear on what your heart wants and connect that with the mind before her departure.  PAY ATTENTION:  to your feelings and your connection to the Divine Mother that protects All.


Neptune, ruler of Pisces, turned retrograde in his own sign around the Summer Solstice, and will be so until November 28, post election in the U.S.  I am not one to play into FEAR-BASED energies whatsoever, but be aware that there are many in power and control positions who will be pumping out conspiracy theories at a level completely unprecedented, sowing strife and chaos deliberately.  Prepare to see mass hysteria from those who are drinking the Kool-Aid being served by the powers that be.  The child-sex-trafficking issue is now somehow being conflated with Covid and the conspiracies that the Democratic “Elites”/ Liberals created the entire thing just to stop the election.  When you attempt to dissect this Q-Anon/right wing messaging, it isn’t easy-as it is designed to confuse and it is indeed triggering the subconscious, deep shadow of humanity.  For YOU, it can be a time to look at your dreams and *tune into* the messages coming from behind the curtain-your angels, guides, ancestors, past-life selves, and of course your Higher Self.  

POSITIVE NOTE:  While not occurring in Pisces, the LION’S GATE portal,  which happens every year on (8/8) during LEO season is a time when the ancient Egyptians and other ancient cultures celebrated the Earth aligning with the star Sirius (which is 26x brighter than our Sun and twice the size!).  The Pyramid of Giza aligns with this portal and was meant to amplify the already-magnificent surge of high-frequency light from the Great Central Sun (aka “the spiritual Sun” behind our Sun that filters through Sirius and then to Earth).  The entire week surrounding August 8, we are being flooded with this cosmic light.  It is said to upgrade our DNA and bring much-needed consciousness to the planet.   DO IT:  SOAK IT UP!


The other MAJOR source of emotional unrest comes with MERCURY’s start of the month, opposition to the clusterf*ck in Capricorn.  Oppositions to JUPITER (7/30), PLUTO (8/1), and SATURN (8/3) after Mercury’s recent Rx in Cancer, is asking us to look at how we feel about it all and make a choice on where you stand.  Are you going to head towards Unity or Division?  Do you want to go to the future and new paradigm or do you want to try to get back to where you once were?  Are you willing to do what is necessary to let go of the old and make the changes for the road ahead in your personal life?  What are you feeling called to speak/communicate and DO with the energy of Mars at your back?  Your stomach may rumble while Mercury wraps up this intense transit, as Mercury rules health and Cancer is the BELLY.

Mercury then enters Leo (8/4) for a quick 15 day jaunt, adding to the intense FIRE + LIGHT of the Lion’s Gate adding passion, a desire to play like the divine cosmic child you are, and perhaps make some love or make some babies!  Leo rules the heart and after all these enormous transits this summer, FORGIVENESS and the BENEVOLENCE of the King/Queen would do many of us good to channel and consciously choose to harness.  Once Mercury enters the zone of the Lion, you just may hear a roar come out of you-how will you direct?  You will have the benefit of the Messenger moving on to Virgo (8/19), for a “plan” and a sober-check in on what in your heart was just activated.  

GOALS: we shall call in a less angry and more sober mental outlook by the ingress into Virgo with a focus on healing and purification.  It may not be “Back to School” for most, but the late August ingress of the SUN into VIRGO (8/22) will further help your cause to be in your best *mental/physical/emotional/spiritual* space.  The Mars Rx begins (9/9) and is always a time where you may be tired, low energy, or weakened in some way, especially if you have been firing all cylinders in August.  As Mars rules our literal energy reserves, plan ahead!  REMEMBER:  Immunity and a positive attitude are EVERYTHING!


The month’s FULL MOON in Aquarius 12° (8/3) has a shocking + volatile element via a t-square to URANUS in Taurus by the Sun in Leo and the Moon.  Aquarius rules the collective CONSCIOUSNESS and social responsibility so that makes Uranus the ruler of the Aquarian Age.  He is in the sign of the BULL and earth plane (our systems of money/finance/food/real estate/wellness) until APRIL, 2026 and asks us to REJECT FEAR AND CELEBRATE OUR ABUNDANCE-your worth is not how ‘wealthy’ you are. This is the ultimate time to heal our poverty consciousness and CREATE new systems. (Also at the time of this writing, it was just announced that the U.S. has lost 30% of it’s annual GDP and millions are unemployed/facing eviction, while the GOP cut off the measly $600/week some were receiving).   Mercury will oppose Saturn in the Full Moon, a previously mentioned *trigger date* and will shake the tree to get us out of complacency or stubborn, stuck energy.   Uranus, aka the Great Awakener,  is set to station retrograde (8/15) so at the time of the Full Moon he is already barely moving, increasing his power.  CHOOSE:  to Innovate your entire existence

We reach the end of the LEO season and have the NEW MOON in LEO 26° (8/18) which seems odd, but this is happening because we had 6 months of new moons at 0° of their signs and now they will occur in the late degrees for some time.  Leo is about our individual gifts, and Aquarius is about where we share those gifts with the world.  Mars + Eris will be conjoined at this NEW MOON making a Fire Trine to the New Moon from 24° Aries.  If that is not motivation to begin a new project that serves ``the Cause” then I don’t know what is! If you are blowing smoke out of your nose and ears at this time, you must channel the Sacred Rage sparked by the Abuse of Power.  You’ve got to make it through this month safely, sanely, and fired up in a good way for CHANGE that is overdue.   SET THE INTENTION: To open your heart and use the CREATIVE power within it in service of Love and the planet.  You are needed.


As evidenced by the mafia-like behavior we have seen coming from the United States President and his and Administration, August will bring this to the forefront to those who have been doing their best to “tune out.” (Note: at the time of this writing, the POTUS has just threatened to cancel the election due to the pandemic while simultaneously trying to kill the US Postal Service to prevent mail-in voting and suppress the vote).  Does this sound like someone who is confident they are the supreme leader who cannot fail?  It doesn’t to me-in fact, the astrology of his chart speaks of growing paranoia and Dictator-like behavior on the rise in August.  While I always encourage healing tools such as meditation, time in nature, and being connected to positive people in your life, we must summon the inner strength and will to rise to the occasion of what we have collectively manifested.  We have lived through the past decade, with the beginning of a new 26,000 year cycle (Mayan astrology and cosmology) in 2012 and a sharp upturn in racism and xenophobia, during the Obama years with explosive levels of it since 2016.

We have seen billionaires get richer, while millions of folks lose hope and fall into drug addiction. We have been confronted in 2020 with the systemic racism that holds so many of these oppressive energies in place.  White people have been called to look at themselves and their own privilege and you only have to look to the #KARENSGONEWILD videos to see what it actually looks like.  As sickening as it is to watch, those of us who are attuned to the concept of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, are the ones who must initiate ourselves as Warriors, not to fight AGAINST others but to fight FOR justice, truth, democracy and peace.  

In August and for the duration of the MARS journey through the sign of Self, we will need strength to trust that this energy of oneness and inclusivity is the path forward.  By no means does that imply “getting along with,” enabling or tolerating this hate.  This is the essence of spiritual bypassing:  basically if it’s unpleasant or ugly it’s “unspiritual” so therefore “just stay positive and smile!”   While I am in no way advocating viciousness, there is a time when it is necessary to look darkness in the face and call a spade a spade.  Choose how you handle this with precision.  Your sword of destiny is with you and you must use it to cut through the Maya now more than ever.





2020 will be a year we all remember forever, but you especially amazing ARIES are the darling of the zodiac this month and well into early 2021. That is because your ruler MARS is spending six months in your sign including his impending retrograde next month. You have been feeling this energy of your ruler, the Warrior since he entered Aries in late June. A surge to be REBORN happens every two years for you (last time was 12/31/18-2/14/19)-and on top of that, Mars hasn’t been Rx in Aries since 1988. Your astrologer is an Aries rising and I distinctly remember that time in junior high-it was very positive because I moved away from some relationships and social situations that did not serve me, and instead focused on athletics and being an A student. In fact, I’ll go as far to say that I became REALLY strong. When a planet retrogrades in his home sign, (and for Mars it only occurs every 32 years in Aries), IT’S A BIG DEAL.

ARIES, you already know that your role in the world has been shifting and changing for many years. Saturn entered Capricorn in 2018, joining Pluto there since 2008, and then finally joined by Jupiter in 2019; which culminated in the biggest astrology of our lives in January 2020. This area is your solar 10th house of career/mission, which has been under how-do-I-say-this ENORMOUS PRESSURE to evolve or die (Pluto’s mantra). The Lord of the Underworld and Saturn, the Lord of Karma, seemingly have unearthed every karmic situation you came into this life carrying to rip open, heal, and ultimately transmute. How have you been handling this? I consistently tell my Cardinal sign clients that they are not imagining it. Everything that has happened has led you to this point. And since you are a survivor of “the first half of 2020 when the world fell apart” you should know by this point, that we are now in the painful birthing phase of a new world. There is a glorious new phase ahead for you Aries of a tribe you are truly connected to; an era of sharing your hard-earned wisdom and gifts with humanity, and long held dreams can finally be realized.

Venus will be moving into the house of the Divine Feminine, CANCER (8/7) and will have your emotions and inner world feel very cozy. During her 4 months transit and retrograde in Gemini we were required to be quite mentally focused during the 3 eclipses we had recently. There has been a lot to talk about and discuss with our local friends/neighbors. The inspiration and insights of that journey, combined with the faith/magic/mysticism of NEPTUNE in Pisces hopefully brought some sweet energies your way (I know they did for me.) Needless to say it was a long time in one sign and Venus is very cozy like a crab in your 4th house, so this is a welcome shift. Try to identify what has been happening beneath the surface and perhaps AUGUST is a perfect month to put some LOVE into your home. Considering that life is going to be home-focused for many, it’s essential that we feel safe and secure here.

On the other hand, Mercury just spent an extended stay in homebound Cancer also due to his retrograde, so he will cruise through your playhouse of Leo and then into Virgo by month’s end with the Sun. Since your planetary ruler, Mars, will be going inward and backwards in the next few months, I highly suggest getting super ACTIVE this month, as the messenger also rules health and immunity. Get that sunshine and outdoor time before the colder weather comes in. Remember your reason for incarnating, your dharma, is meant to be lived every day.

STICKY NOTE REMINDER: I AM A WARRIOR WHO CAME TO ____, then do it. You are one of the most brave signs of the zodiac. What will you venture to accomplish? By the Winter Solstice and the Great Conjunction of Jupiter + Saturn in Aquarius, you are given a spot in the fast-moving elevator up to the highest timeline. Now is the time to be in full preparation mode-do not waste any time on your dreams.

ARIES - song of the month : SOLDIER OF LOVE, Sade



TAURUS, you’ve been getting your BELIEFS shaken to the core the past couple years, and hopefully your mind blown-in a good way. It’s not easy for a Taurus to change, being a Fixed sign. But with the mega-astrology event of our lifetimes that happened in January via the Saturn+Pluto conjunction in your solar 9th house, it is sure to have done a number on your consciousness. This alignment was about breaking open and birthing a whole new worldview, but that came with a breaking of the old structures of YOUR MIND in some way. You are not a huge fan of sudden change, Taurus, but it wasn’t sudden-these big events were building for over a decade. They were meant to change your PERSPECTIVE on the big picture of your life and all that is possible. Remember: if you don’t believe something can happen, it cannot happen.

MARS entered Aries June 29 and will stay for an extended 6+ months, until early 2021, residing behind-the-curtain of your entire existence. It is touring your solar 12th house of spirituality, solitude, and retreat-mode. After the majority of 2020 being on a forced RETREAT already, you are possibly at your wits end. Or perhaps you are overjoyed at more time to clean out the cobwebs of your mind. Mars the warrior, is in spiritual healing mode of the Masculine. No matter your gender orientation, you have an inner Divine Masculine part of yourself that is learning new ways of operating. But this is going to take the duration of this extremely long transit, with 3 passes of squares to Saturn/Pluto/Jupiter in Capricorn to fully reap the rewards from working with these energies. I recommend doing some good old THERAPY or work with a trusted astrologer/psychic/medium (take your pick) to help you connect the dots-the 12th house can be hidden, even from ourselves. We all need help looking at our blind spots sometimes, you know?

MERCURY leaves Cancer, your solar third house of communication, after his retrograde earlier this summer and moves rapidly through LEO, your 4th, and VIRGO, your 5th. These houses are about your inner orientation, and after the extreme sensitivity of Mercury in Cancer (and eclipses here), Mercury will feel really good trying on the different energies of passion and generosity (LEO) and purification and organization (VIRGO). By the time the Sun joins Mercury in Virgo (8/22), your creative solar 5th house will have the full charge of battery for your next moves. How do you plan to spend Virgo season? Think on this NOW as the month starts and prepare to get maximum motivation and enthusiasm mustered up for the new HIGHER TIMELINE that is revealing itself to you. It may not be here yet, but those tough planetary transits in CAPRICORN have been pushing you to expand the Dream.

Finally, dear Taurus, in August, you will have the grace and beauty of VENUS entering your house of how you think/speak/communicate, your solar 3rd house. After her flip-flopping on all sides of every argument in her 4 month transit (and recent Rx) in Gemini, your money may have been up for discussion. Or your self-worth. Venus asked the question of do you put your money where your mouth is? Do you support businesses, people, and communities that benefit the new world you want to create? You may have split with an old situation that did not align with your VALUES, which is the ultimate gift of Taurus. You know what things are worth. You know what others are worth to you, and hopefully, you now know WHAT YOU ARE WORTH. Ask Venus in August to remind you very clearly on what feels good to you, so that you can share that with your people, with your friends, and with your lovers. The world needs your dose of warm + fuzzy, and this transit of VENUS in Cancer lasts through September 7: are you prepared to share that L-O-V-E with others with what you put out there?

By the time of the Great Conjunction of Saturn + Jupiter 0° Aquarius (12/21): the birth of the NEW PARADIGM happens in your Career/Mission sector. I highly suggest you take the time to work on these spiritual shifts now, so you can roll out the new outer reality by the end of the year. TICK. TOCK.

TAURUS - song of the month : REDEMPTION SONG, Bob Marley



GEMINI, you are such a social creature and 2020 has had no shortage of challenges when it comes to socializing. With VENUS’ recent 4 month journey in your sign, you TWINS had much back and forth happening in your sign. There is an epic struggle for enough people to unite to have a tipping point moment and push the new world out of the birth canal. We are living in highly polarized energies, which are necessary for big changes on the collective level. You got a lot out of the Venus Rx, and by now you are starting to see the messages that came to you about what you care about, what you value, what matters. YOUR JOB: to speak it, to share the basic ideas, to communicate locally.

So Venus wraps up in Gemini the first week of August and will enter your 2nd house of CASH/RESOURCES/SELF-WORTH, Cancer (8/7-9/7) and juice up your MONEY MOJO with Divine Feminine magnetic energy. Money can fly at you at this time. Venus lovvvvves to be in Cancer and what feels good is money in your savings account, a massage from a loved one, and lots of affection. I highly suggest you set up a money tree, money altar, crystal grid, or any other devotional area to the God/Goddess of ABUNDANCE and RESOURCES, Venus and give it some love and gratitude-this stuff works. Where your attention goes, money flows. And it helps if your intentions include others benefitting from your prosperity.

But you DO think about others, don’t you GEMINI? Mars will make sure you take your FRIENDS and SOCIAL NETWORKS seriously, as he tours your solar 11th house (June 29-Jan 6, 2021). This house also rules the Internet and your online friends/clients. It’s a strange thing to live through the times when we didn’t have social media and the widespread internet in everyone’s hands at all times, and now that we do. It’s utterly unbelievable how disconnected some are between their personal and their public. Not an issue for you Gemini- you wear both well but one thing you will need to be in August is a social justice warrior. Mars is making squares all fall to SATURN+JUPITER+PLUTO in Capricorn, due to his retrograde and 6 month tour of Aries, which is your 8th house of shared resources, sex, transformation, intimacy. A real raw, and vulnerable part of your story needs to be shared with the groups and networks you find yourself part of. Let that fuel your social activism-as Mars needs an outlet for you to put all that warrior energy to good use, being in your 11th house for 6+ months! You get to pick how you do it, so do it consciously. Mars will conjoin the ultimate Disrupter Eris (and his sister in mythology) on (8/17): if you want to do something REALLY proactive this is a great day to launch or take a swing at something.

By the time Mercury AND the Sun are in Virgo (8/19, 8/22), your solar 4th house, you will definitely be ready for a QUIET MOMENT. Maybe if you are not able to ‘get away’ due to your circumstances during the pandemic, you are highly suggested by ME, your trusted Astrologer, that you need to plan a “staycation.” THINK: create your own Korean spa. Nothing fancy required-just some hard core scrubbing under the dead skin +under the nails, salt baths, steaming, and buffing your skin like a baby. You are going to be reborn spiritually in December when JUPITER + SATURN meet up in what is being called THE GREAT CONJUNCTION in your 9th house of spirituality/religion/beliefs. For now, it is time to strip down to the bare you so you can move through the Ascension process as we are in a quantum evolution and it will be here before you know it. Prepare mentally and physically to strip down to your personal Truth, GEMINI. It will be worth it.

GEMINI - song of the month : WAKE UP, Arcade Fire



Your career is having a MAJOR new phase/spark of life, in the second half of 2020 and into January, 2021, with MARS spending an extended time in Aries, your solar 10th house (6+ months total). You may be finding yourself at a crossroads when it comes to your MISSION and are making a once-in-a-few-decades career change. A rebirth would be totally in alignment with this transit. It’s just so incredibly rare-the last time Mars traveled Rx here was in 1988! In 2020, Mars’ retrograde journey makes 3 harsh squares to JUPITER/PLUTO/SATURN all traveling together in Capricorn. This heavy Capricorn energy has been playing out in recent years, by testing what your relationships are made of, as all the old paradigm collapsing is happening in your 7th house. I see this as a clear indication that your relationships that have defined, limited, or held you bound to something that no longer serves you must evolve or die.

CANCER, 2020 is about committing to something new, especially if you have already let go of things/people/jobs/goals/businesses in the upheaval this year. It’s time to reach for the sky if you are already well underway with these shifts. If you are unclear about your future, just know that a lot of people are, and I’m certain that you will have a much better idea about where you are headed, soon. In the LONG TERM, after the Great Conjunction of Saturn + Jupiter in December, and after Mars finishes his retrograde in early ‘21, it will become clear. For now, remember you are JUST recovering from intense Cancer/Capricorn eclipses. The karmic Nodes of Destiny spent the past couple years in Cancer (NN) and Capricorn (SN), and wrapped up their eclipses in your first + seventh houses (YOU, and OTHERS). Once you surpass the rest of this year, with the quiet strength and grace only a CANCER has, your new Destiny shall reveal itself.

As we begin the month the SUN is in LEO territory, your 2nd solar house of SELF-WORTH + RESOURCES. The Sun and Mercury both start off the month in the sign of the Lion, and the Lion’s Gate (8/8) is a super portal for receiving these higher frequencies related to your FINANCES. Set your intentions to RECEIVE, RECEIVE, RECEIVE (8/17) when the Cazimi between the two happens in this house of your bank account. Tell the Universe, explicitly, that you are READY for it. You are totally open now to manifest multiple new sources of income. Anticipate a lot of energy in this zone of your life. You are meant to absorb as much of this SOLAR energy all the way through the month until the Mercury shift into VIRGO. Then you can begin to practically implement your new ‘game plan’ with your critical thinking ruled Virgo 3rd house. I see a lot of TO-DO LISTS and brainstorming happening.

The most positive advancement that occurs, luckily is at the month’s beginning, when VENUS finally departs your 12th house of karma, and solitude (8/7) in Gemini, for your first house of CANCER. With Venus cruising all month through your solar first house, the Goddess of Love + Beauty will most certainly bring your best qualities to the surface. When she transits through Cancer, she tunes you into your Divine Feminine nature, and balances out the Yang/Mars energy happening in the public part of your chart. The question is: what is Venus telling you about what the new-2020 version of You wants? What is Mars telling you about your new CAREER incarnation? That is your work.

CANCER - song of the month : MEDIATE, INXS




This August, the month starts off with all kinds of DRAMA (one of your favorite words being the Thespian that you are!) The month’s FULL MOON in Aquarius (8/3) falls in your relationship house, the solar 7th house, and perhaps the drama of others is apparent. Since we are all just mirrors for each other, what is the sign of groups and the collective, AQUARIUS, showing YOU about yourself? As a Leo, it’s your birthright to shine extra bright and it would be a shame if you forgot that this year-of-enormous-change. What can you feel deep in your heart for the future you are birthing? How do you want to share your gifts with humanity? We are in a NOW-OR-NEVER moment when it comes to our dreams and dreaming a new reality for all the Lovers. It’s go-time.

Mercury joins the Sun in Leo (8/4), and quickly energizes your MENTAL SPACE. The Future-You waiting to reveal yourself to You could come when the Messenger and the Sun make their ‘CAZIMI’ conjunction (8/17). Combined with the month’s early Lion’s Gate, that happens every year (8/8), YOU Leo, are getting a massive upgrade to your DNA, your aura, your emotional body, your spirit. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth-despite any challenges that you are personally feeling about the stormy weather ‘out there.’

TRY: consciously get safe sunlight on your skin and do nothing but say “thank you” on repeat inside your head for 15 minutes. Literally, thank the Sun for the gift of consciousness. Leo, you ARE the Solar Queen/Solar King.

The late season NEW MOON in LEO 26° (8/18) is your chance to take what you received energetically since 7/21, and bake it into a metaphorical birthday cake for yourself. Imagine what colors it would be, what design, what words are written on the cake? Your inner child wants a rebirth. What did Venus in Gemini for 4 months (4/3-8/6) TELL YOU about you and how you relate to the collective via your solar 11th house of Gemini? How do you FEEL about it all? We saw mass protests, BLM, Q-Anonsense (conspiracy theories), and a LOT of fear mongering. How did you handle it? Venus enters your 12th house of Cancer (8/7-9/7) so tune in to your subtle bodies and your dream time, especially. These are extraordinary times and you would be surprised at how quickly many are being ‘activated’ with extra-sensory gifts at this time. Why not you? We need answers that are not going to come from this level of consciousness as it is-we are needing superstars to turn on their powers and share with the world.

By the time Mercury and the Sun are both shifted into practical Virgo (8/22), you are fully energized and ready to W-O-R-K. Mercury will want you to RESTRATEGIZE EVERYTHING with your money. Go over it all and get the details sorted out and simplified. It’s important to be prepared for financial markets to be unstable for the next few years, so be aware of your new game plan. Virgo season calls for preparedness and productivity.

MARS touring your solar 9th house for nearly 6 months, all the way until January 2021, and a retrograde coming in September, highlights your BELIEFS about what is possible. Most LEOS are bold, daring, and generous hearted when they are doing something they love! If your health or energy levels dip, as they may throughout Mars’ journey since he rules our day-to-day energy levels, be GENTLE. Because Mars will make squares to JUPITER/PLUTO/SATURN in your 6th house of HEALTH + DAY-TO-DAY JOB/ROUTINE, you must be extra mindful about your meditation practice or spiritual solo time. The more you can tune into the energy of a starry sky, or Redwood trees, or being up in a hot air balloon, the better. All activities that off-set the stress of these last few months of the year.

LEO, remember: on the Winter Solstice (12/21) the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will occur at 0° Aquarius, and your entire world with the people in your life (7th house/DSC) gets a big, welcome blast of new energy. The 5D energy of the Aquarian Age and the Golden Age itself. As you move through your birthday season, soak up every single ounce of JOY that you can for the bumpy road to December. The entire zodiac needs your heart-expanding, adventurous, and daring energy of being a Pioneer into the new age.

BIRTHDAY HOMEWORK: Think of every single thing you love about yourself and write it down.

LEO - song of the month : REVOLUTION, The Beatles



Virgo, 2020 is your year to learn + change, especially in your solar 8th house of INTIMACY + SHARED RESOURCES (where MARS spends 6+ months due to a retrograde-and hasn’t been here rx since 1988!). Think: an extended boot camp in how you interact on a sexual and/or financial level with others, bringing about a deep psychological change. This Cardinal sign energy of Mars is about new beginnings. A rebirth process comes after identifying what must change in this area, but you’ve been getting signs about this for some time, so it’s not exactly news to you (a blessing-you’re already IN this transformation in August). Mars has come along to push you along. His retrograde needs to be on your calendar (9/9-11/13).

Now when one has Aries ruling their 8th house, like you do, this indicates a unique relationship challenge. You NEED a sense of independence, but need to relax boundaries enough to let others in, which can be hard. And add to it that Mars will be retrograde soon while making months of challenging/creative squares to Capricorn (your solar 5th house), starting in August. The tension will be PERFECT for you to finally manifest the true pleasure, play, romance, sex for fun, and yes, CREATIVITY. You can rise to the occasion of the ch-ch-changes needed in your modus operandi when it comes to sex + intimacy. Your fifth house of Capricorn can also rule children, so you may be needing to focus on your offspring and turn over a new leaf with how you engage with them. Most likely you’ve already been in a closer space to them due to the pandemic, all year. If you don’t have children, this can indicate a need to connect with your inner child, for laughter and levity are sorely needed in 2020. REMEMBER: Laughter heals.

The Aquarius Full Moon (8/3) in your solar 6th house, receives a “Wake Up!” square from Uranus in your solar 9th house, highlighting an opportunity to integrate your daily health + wellness routine with your spirituality. NEVER has meditation been more recommended to your dear Virgo, as you are a sign that is prone to anxiety and overthinking more than any other, with Mercury being the ancient ruler of Virgo. The modern ruler of Virgo is Chiron, as far as I am concerned (and many other astrologers) because he is the Medicine Man, the Astrologer, the Healer archetype and his energy is SEEKING WHOLENESS, which is very VIRGO. You must apply his healing techniques to your MIND and mental health for optimum living.

Mercury the Messenger, joins the heart-warming Sun in Leo (8/5), meeting up in their cazimi conjunction (8/18) so take note of your dreams around the middle of the month. They may reveal something from your subconscious, or your guides/angels/ancestors in the form of potent imagery and symbolism. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth-the cosmos are conspiring for you to GET THE MESSAGE through self-reflection, solitude, and retreat in August.

With all the complex relationship tensions for you in 2020, this is your reminder that you will not find wholeness in another person (codependence); but rather yourself and your soul. The benefit of renewing your meditation practice of choice is that these subtle layers of energies from the past will slowly dissolve and fade away the more you practice. Personally, I recommend Transcendental Meditation- 20 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes in evening with the basic instructions to focus on nothing and just let your mind rest. Plus, with the Sun in Leo, your solar 12th house, you are feeling a little ‘behind the scenes’ energy calling you inward this August. The New Moon in Leo (8/18), also in your 12th house will be the ideal time to ‘tune into’ the frequency of Oneness and LET GO of old dreams, so that new ones can arrive. By 8/19, Mercury enters Virgo to be joined by the Sun’s entrance into YOUR sign (8/22) -where they will work together again, for your HEALING and your ‘back to school/work’ new routines.

BIG PICTURE: By January 2021, you will have healed what has been hurting you and what has been forcing your hard work this year.

While the world has its collective challenges to work out, we also have to create new systems within our local communities and even in our own homes. Venus is completing her 4 months in your Midheaven/Career house of Gemini (8/7), and as the August progresses it will become clear in your heart, not just your mind, what your message is for the world. The world you want to be part of creating. Mars graduates from his extended Aries tour the first week of 2021-by then you will have healed what has been hurting you and what has been forcing your hard work this year. You will have transitioned from codependency to interdependence in all your relations.

ME: Can I get an Aho?

YOU: Aho!

VIRGO - song of the month : BELONG, R.E.M.



LIBRA, you are the lucky sign that has Mars, the Warrior planet revitalizing and re-invigorating your relationships with others for 6+ months in 2020. His upcoming retrograde (9/9-11/13) will cause major sparks all the remainder of the year, due to major squares he is making to JUPITER+PLUTO+SATURN in your Home/Family/Inner World. This means you are being asked to look at all your relations, and in the best way possible, make them harmonious FOR THE LONG-HAUL with who you are inside. You’ve been aware of the Capricorn Showdown happening for the past couple years in your interior world, which peaked in January, and sparked the pandemic for the collective. Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn all year doing their dances is the catalyst for our WORLD REMODELING PROJECT, (ie birthing the new paradigm and 5D Earth). You are quite the Venus-ruled Designer, Libra, so what does it look like?

I’m sure you had some ideas and visions for this big overhaul on planet Earth. You are a Venus-ruled sign known for your EYE.

With Mercury recently retrograde in Cancer this June/July in your CAREER/OUTER WORLD house, your role as Leader, (as least of your own world) came into focus. What did that feel like? Mercury will transit quickly through LEO (as of 8/4), with the Sun making a Cazimi conjunction (8/17) supercharging your 11th house of HOPES/WISHES/DREAMS. This house being ruled by LEO for you Libra, says literally that you must shine your light out there for others to see to be happy and fulfilled. Even if you have an audience of One, you must share that LIGHT with others. During the LIONS GATE energy (exact 8/8, but in the portal from about 8/3-8/13), you are being given an EXTRA dose of inspired and Highest Timeline energy. Soak it up and don’t discount any big ideas you have in August, especially after the new energies settle into your body.

With all the Venus Rx energies churning up your 9th house the past few months due to her Rx and 4 month journey in Gemini, your WORLDVIEW and entire spiritual existence were up for discussion. I’m sure you indulged in a few ceremonies or intention settings while the world was spinning backwards. VENUS enters Cancer (8/7) and is taking up where Mercury left off and asking you, Libra, to speak from your heart, in your solar 10th house, asking you to MOTHER THE WORLD a little bit more. She wants EVERYONE to have a seat at your table-so feel free to extend the invitations to those who would not be included otherwise. You have the benevolence of the Goddess and Divine Feminine as the vibe you give the world through 9/7. Make it special in the way that only you can. And maybe even shout it from the rooftops if you feel secure and like you know what you want to say.

By the end of August, Mercury (8/19) and the Sun (8/22) will be resting in your VIRGO 12th house. You would truly benefit, more than any other sign, Libra, with vacation/staycation/silent retreat TIME. When these planets that are important to our energy levels transit through the last house, they are in a serious fade out. I would suggest launching anything before then, or waiting until your birthday season, which will be here before you know it. AUGUST is good for: sifting through all the emotions, ideas, and visions and putting them in your journal. Your goals for the rest of the year will get a boost of momentum if you take the important PAUSE coming at month’s end. By the Fall Equinox, you will be COMING OUT into your new solar year like a SWAN.

LIBRA - song of the month : TALKIN’ BOUT A REVOLUTION, Tracy Chapman



If there was EVER a time to kick a bad habit, Scorpio, it would be the rest of 2020. Did you know that Mars is transiting your sixth house of HEALTH, HEALING, DAY TO DAY WELLNESS ROUTINE and YOUR WORK LIFE? Normally he spends 6 weeks in a sign, but this year he spends 6+ months in his own sign, where he will take you to “rehab” in this area of your life. Buckle up. Mars starts challenging squares to the planets lined up in Capricorn in August and retrogrades exactly (9/9-11/13), which is your house of COMMUNICATION and your MIND. You have been pushed all year to change how you think, speak, talk, write and exist on your phone to the outer world? With the lockdown, you have been reminded to turn it off, get connected locally again, and see your life at the micro level. Are you ready to tackle some bad habits or set any goals for SERIOUS improvements in HEALTH? If not, expect that to come. It’s time to address the changes to your physicality with the attitude of a Warrior training for battle. THINK: the mind+body+spirit connection of it all. You have 6 months to learn. Embrace. These two areas of life must work together this year more than ever.

Mercury was recently retrograde in Cancer (June/July) opposite to the pressure cooker of Capricorn and asked you to feel the big enormous feelings for the whole world in the 9th-it may have felt like an existential crisis. As a SCORPIO, you are a pro at big enormous feelings, but usually just in a very private way. Here’s hoping that you can recognize the growth you have made in this area of owning your feelings. Thankfully, Mercury zips through passionate LEO (8/4-8/19) your CAREER house, and then VIRGO (8/19-9/5) your SOCIAL NETWORKS house. Mercury will have you feeling a call to be out there interacting with the greater world and not living in a bubble, Scorpio. Mercury wants to be expressing that heart love energy (in Leo) and the healing to the world (in Virgo). You get to decide how that comes out in your public life and your tribe that you are gravitating towards. How exactly DO you want to show up for the friends/co-workers/internet friends and the collective? This whole process of surrendering in 2020 has led you to the moment of truly sailing into VIRGO season (8/22) with a whole lotta love to share with your larger world. The Sun and Mercury will bless the 11th house with extra bright light and energy, with the focus of Virgo’s finest, at your disposal to illuminate how YOU interact with friends. You are being granted new discipline and attention to detail when it comes to all things GROUP RELATED and getting your Aquarian Age social life onto a vision board. It’s coming soon.

Venus spent 4 long months in your solar 8th house of Gemini, and thankfully transitions into CANCER (8/7). Her tour of Gemini was in your private area of the chart-so this could have been a little too long for your comfort zone for the Goddess of Love in a very mental, chatty, or possibly argumentative way. When she slips into Cancer (thru 9/9) and your 9th house of spirituality, you now get to embrace the love of the Mother. Tune into your Higher Divine Feminine as much as you can during the extended extra-macho Mars in Aries transit. We are incorporating the vision of the Divine Feminine into the blue prints for the New Earth and your job Scorpio is to contribute on a spiritual level. TELL US: what it feels like. How does it feel for a Girl?

COME DECEMBER: your entire inner reality (of your solar 4th house) hosts the Great Conjunction of Saturn + Jupiter at 0° Aquarius on the Winter Solstice. You will be reborn and you get to navigate the experience. August is a great time to prepare-starting with your health and your mental health game plan for the journey ahead. Schedule: sex, punching bags or sweating fiercely, getting on the SUPERIMMUNITY bandwagon.

SCORPIO - song of the month : GIMME SHELTER, The Rolling Stones



The South Node transiting through your sign for 18 months, SAGITTARIUS (4/4/20-1/18/22), is bringing your SELF-LIMITING beliefs up for clearing. Your sense of TRUTH is under examination, and possibly quantum evolution. As this transit just started during the pandemic, you have a LOT of time to Master this unique experience we only have every 18/19 years. Can you remember what was happening in your life the last time the South Node transited in SAG, October, 2001-April, 2003? Well, that same energy of the past YOU being washed away down a fast moving drain is here again. You survived the mega-astrology of January, 2020, the Saturn + Pluto conjunction (along with Jupiter) for their once in 750+ year alignment in Capricorn, your 2nd house of SELF-WORTH and MONEY-what did you learn? What have you been willing to evolve on regarding RESOURCES and INCOME? Have you claimed your Authority when it comes to what you have?

REMEMBER: the hard lessons in Capricorn were meant to break you out of financial codependency, poverty consciousness, and seemingly stuck situations. I promise you, un-stuck feels much better if you haven’t pulled the bandaid off yet. You have until the end of the year before Saturn enters Aquarius and meets up with expansive Jupiter.

The CAPRICORN PARTY shook the world and continues to show us how our SYSTEMS that are dysfunctional must be broken up and rebuilt. We are in the peak of the crisis in August, and all year. Knowing that, the South Node can help you call on past courage and times in your life where you “just knew what to do” and is very instinctual. Sagittarius can be bold, brave, and adventurous and truth be told, this isn’t your first time at the Rodeo. With the recent Mercury retrograde and final eclipses in Cancer, the house that rules SHARED FINANCES with others and SEX/INTIMACY, how did you feel? Mercury thankfully moves through LEO (8/4-8/19) boosting up your house of the VISION. You hopefully are feeling the inspiration from the Lions Gate energies early in the month, which supercharge our planet with high frequency light codes and ultimately upgrade our DNA. The Egyptians knew this and built the Pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx to align with the superstar SIRIUS at this time every year. Since this Leonine portal AND the Sun + Mercury Cazimi (8/17) are both like getting a blast of upgrades to both the heart + mind, tune in for something to blow your mind THINK BIG: Higher consciousness solutions to lower consciousness problems.

SAG, you are also being GIFTED the extended-6-month transit of MARS in your Aries 5th house of TRUE LOVE, CREATIVE GIFTS, AND YOUR INNER CHILD. Aries is another FIRE sign, so you do well with the energy of passion and change. Mars will make squares to that CAP situation, pushing you to recreate your GUIDELINES + AGREEMENTS in a new way moving forward. You need to be in relationships that feed your passions and also command equality and fairness. With Mars spending 6 months in your house of making babies and having sex for fun, I highly suggest if that is not on order, you CHANNEL this energy into a new “baby” project or a new creative outlet. FOR REAL. 6 months is a long time to ACTIVATE your creative/sexual zone with a retrograde-he hasn’t been retrograde here since 1988! Make sure you don’t waste this re-examination of your inner Divine Masculine and how He creates here. How do you go for what you want to create and experience? Think on THAT in August, and throughout the remainder of the year. Thank Goddess! VENUS will beautifully enter very cozy and comfy Cancer (8/7) and will balance out the strong YANG energies in Aries in your solar 8th house of BEHIND-CLOSED-DOORS? Are you able to ride that wave differently here-with a gentle, MAGNETIC, inviting, energy to having your needs met (vs. an assertive and outward approach)? TRY.

Later in the month both Mercury (8/19) and the Sun (8/22) will transit over your Midheaven and into your PUBLIC LIFE arena of VIRGO. How are you stepping onto the Stage in a new, elevated way in 2020, now that everything has changed? This is your once-a-year CHECK ME OUT spotlight. What do you want to show the world? Virgo is a service-oriented sign and wants you to be part of the Solution. With your High Ideals, SAG, please focus some of your Manifesting-Abilities on this outer contribution as there is no shortage of issues to tackle. Your creativity is EN FUEGO, thanks to Mars, so let’s see what you come up with. I suspect it will be something out-of-this-world, even GALACTIC.

SAGITTARIUS - song of the month : INSTANT KARMA!, John Lennon



You have been running a once-in-a-lifetime MARATHON in recent years Capricorn, hosting the biggest astrological meeting in over 700 years between your ruler SATURN, and PLUTO + JUPITER in 2020. As you know, this was divinely designed as part of an ascension process and dimensional shift on Gaia from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension. It starts with a DESTRUCTION phase followed by a CREATION phase. Surprise, surprise- we are still in the first part. Now, don’t let that imply that you are waiting to create YOUR NEW LIFE and manifesting wonderful things. You have been going through an extended death/rebirth since Pluto entered your sign in 2008-it just went to MEGA-Level in 2018 when your ruler arrived. You will survive and you will be the Adult you were always meant to be. And if I know you, Capricorn, you are already fully ON IT and starting to reap the rewards of already making the hard decisions.

To wrap up this massive personal phase of growth, you must first complete the course on “Building Confidence and Mastering your Fears” taught by MARS, spending 6+ months in your solar 4th house of your inner reality/emotions/home/family. You are getting the opportunity to step into the Warrior’s shoes and be a little more direct and impulsive. You are usually so methodical, mature and responsible about EVERYTHING. Mars is asking you to ROLL THE DICE a bit and experiment on healthy releases of his energy on a daily basis, vs. blowing up like Mount St. Helen. His three sets of squares to Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter, aka “the situation” in Capricorn, in your first house of SELF (and more importantly how you carry yourself). You were born a leader and by January 2021, the world will see how you’ve changed for the better. THANK: all the karmic people in your life who have raked you over the coals to get to this place of utter MATURITY.

Mercury retrograded in June/July. your Cancer 7th house of relationships, and starts off the month opposing the CAP brigade. So you enter the month with a bunch of mental processing of IT ALL, which can come wrapped in emotional exhaustion. You will be ready for the 8/4 shift of the Messenger into passionate and fiery Leo, which rules your 8th house of SEX + INTIMACY + FINANCIAL PARTNERSHIPS. He will blaze through here quickly, lighting your inner fire and sparking up some “urges-to-merge.” Hold off on any cementing of situations, unless they have long been in the works. It would behoove you to hold off on any commitments in this area until January when Mars leaves Aries. By that time, your INNER SELF-RELIANCE muscle is going to be really pumped up-then you can seal any relationship deals.

VENUS, also just completed a rare retrograde last month in Gemini in your 6th solar house of HEALTH and your day-to-day work and wellness zone (last one was here in 2012). How did that go? Are you feeling strong and healthy? If you had health challenges, have you changed habits? Venus departs from her four month journey here (8/7) and dives into the relationship zone of your seventh/Cancer taking the spot where Mercury was. Venus does much better here than Mercury and again, you are being given information from your heart on your emotional needs. You may want to make your HOME a BEAUTIFUL place for your relationships.

IF YOU CAN SWING IT: invest in new bedding and a whole new boudoir vibe that reflects your new needs or a family-friendly upgrade to your CASA to reflect the extended stay-at-home situation due to pandemic.

Mid-month, URANUS stations Retrograde (8/15) in your 5th house of FUN, PLAY, CREATIVITY (and again, SEX) so perhaps you will get a call from someone in the past. A desire to CREATE like a child does-from a pure place of JOY may be felt, and it may come through a shocking revelation. Uranus likes to ‘wake people up’ but this can be a jolt of lightning that knocks you off your feet, or a spontaneous raising of the kundalini in the body. BE READY to IGNITE.

By 8/22, the Sun and Mercury will both be in Virgo where your attention will be called to a spiritual endeavor of some sort (after their Cazimi in Leo gets your heart pumping on 8/18). You may be given a download or see a new Vision for what your life will look like in the very near future. The end of the month will be a time where sparks will be flying between your INNER SELF and the SELF YOU SHOW OTHERS, with all the Mars squares to Capricorn, but your POWER resides in tuning into the spiritual frequency of your 9th house. RECOMMENDED: Clear/sober, clean eating, meditating, and purification throughout the end of the month and throughout Virgo season to prepare you for the Fall, which should be unprecedented in the pressure to change collectively. Time to be the proverbial Designated Driver of your Life, Capricorn, and for many others in your care and under your leadership. We need your kind at the helm of this wild ride.

CAPRICORN - song of the month : SING OUR OWN SONG, UB40



With the SUN in Leo as the month begins, it’s all about your RELATIONSHIPS, Aquarius. How have they weathered the storms of 2020? I hope you are enjoying the big blast of high-frequency energy coming into this 7th house zone of your solar chart, via the LIONS GATE (8/8) and the Cazimi of the Sun and Mercury (8/17). Both are big-time opportunities to consciously RECEIVE the blessings of the Sun, which is consciousness itself. The Egyptians built the pyramids at Giza (and the Sphinx) on a location that aligned perfectly with the superstar Sirius and our Great Central Sun, our spiritual Sun around this time every year to receive maximum benefits. Many may feel edgy or triggered during the portal and on the powerful days, but ultimately better after the psychic, spiritual, and even physical symptoms pass. This is a once-a-year time to tune all your relations into the Love channel on the dial. You can turn ON your radar all month, in fact.

Remember that MARS is touring your 3rd house of communications/local community for 6 months. And he is the Warrior after all, so he is here to address issues around the Divine Masculine and the healing process happening around how you express this energy, especially to yourself internally (negative thought patterns or self-talk for example). He will be here the rest of the year making challenging yet creative squares to your Capricorn 12th house (behind the curtain). What messages want to come through from these depths of your psyche? Maybe your Mars action will come to you in remembering dreams or even beginning to channel yourself. Anything is possible in 2020-and MANY are feeling old abilities kick in and awaken-here is your reminder about your own. We need all the EMPOWERING MESSAGES possible Aquarius, not words of War (the negative side of Aries and a Mars Rx for you in the third house). Choose the empowering messages of strength and funnel them out via your communications (with your words/thoughts, siblings, your local community, and definitely with politics if you are so inclined-somebody’s gotta do it, and just may be your ROLE Aquarius to get politically active in a big way, even if on the DL). Just SAYIN.

VIRGO season starts when the Sun enters the sign of CLEANSING + PURIFICATION, service + healing (8/22) after Mercury warms up the spa zone upon arrival (8/19). These two in your 8th house of SHARED RESOURCES+ SEX + INTIMACY want to clean up the darkest room in the house. Either it’s time to get the taxes and financial complexities into a more pure state, or it’s time to crack out the Tantra manuals. Something about sexual healing is called for by month’s end, which we all know the entire world needs. So before each orgasm, Aquarius, make a toast to World Peace. I think you are the Queen/King of the New Age which includes a lot of liberating and freedom-enhancing behavior.

VENUS supports this theory, as the Goddess of Love + Beauty finally exits her 4-month run in Gemini, and out of your fifth house of PLAYTIME + the INNER CHILD. I hope despite the world’s lockdown, that you were able to experience the May/June Venus Rx in a way that felt creative. I hope you talked a lot about it all, and posted on social media and rallied behind ideas. Early in the month (8/7) VENUS finally enters CANCER, your 6th house of health, healing, wellness, and day-to-day work, and overall LIFESTYLE. She loves to be in Cancer and is blessing you with the good vibes-it’s time to FEEL GOOD. Her energy in this area is tuning you into what you really want and the phrase “you kill more bees with honey” comes to mind. ‘Sweet as Tupelo Honey’ is your energetic remedy for any troubles that ail you in August, and all the way through Venus’ transit through (9/9) in Cancer. Come September, the Goddess of Love will move into your RELATIONSHIP zone in passionate LEO. Use your time in August to self-soothe, self-heal, and prepare for a boost in how you interact with others. But remember, you must first care for yourself. If you are single, it calls for a sweeping romance that could come soon in the Fall while Venus transits your 7th and 8th houses where all the good stuff happens. If you want new clients, business partners, or other important relationships, dedicate this upcoming time to that and your Venus needs being met with other like-minded souls who envision a future that looks like your IDEAL FUTURE.

AQUARIUS - song of the month : WHAT’S GOING ON, Marvin Gaye



PISCES, your sign has been the host of your ruler Neptune since February 2012, which has been spiritualizing the planet in leaps and bounds. At the same time Neptune and Pisces can be representative of mass delusion and addiction running out of control in our society at the same time. Then came 2020-and the Saturn + Pluto conjunction in January set off the pandemic that has changed us forever. What most people don’t realize is that Neptune and the Mercury Rx in Pisces in February had a huge influence on the virus spreading so rapidly and all around the world. While cloaked in mysterious origin stories and ultimately where we are now: a polarized culture war (especially in the U.S), where some of us simply cannot work with others and are seriously struggling to UNITE with others. There is connection AND/or/also disconnection happening in Pisces. So I ask you: HOW CAN YOU RELATE? What can you relate to that is full of Oneness, Faith, and Trust and what can you relate to within that is Lost, Disconnected, Delusional?

Mars, the planet that shows us our WILL, our drive, our immediate desires, will be stationed for an extended tour of duty (6+ months!) in Aries, your 2nd house of Personal Resources/Money/Values. You will be going through a Warrior’s boot camp, on some level when it comes to this area. So, that being said, I suggest you embrace it, like one would when they join a new gym, knowing it’s going to be hard, but that if they want RESULTS, they will do it. At the end of 3 months, they will have what they WANT. It is a process that if you dive into it willingly, you can come out much stronger. Perhaps you need to address your financial plan for the new-world-as-we-don’t-yet-know-it. How do you plan for what cannot be planned for? LIVE IN THE NOW. What can you do now to manifest multiple sources of income? You are not limited. Think outside the box-MARS WILL HELP YOU HERE with all things Money.

Use it or lose it!

Venus was in your solar 4th house of HOME/FAMILY and your INNER REALITY for 4 months, due to her May/June retrograde in Gemini. How did that go for you? Did you get stirred up inside on an inner level, aside from anyone/anything else in your life? Were you able to see two different paths that you are able to take, (and ultimately choose one?) Hopefully, you are well on your way to having a goal you are heading towards, but expect clarity to come after Venus departs Gemini once and for all (8/7) and enters your CREATIVE zone-the 5th house. With Venus in Cancer, in the 5th, Lordy, have mercy if you are someone who is in love. You will not want to leave the bedroom! If you are not in that space, your ART and desire to make new things (music, poetry, paintings, jewelry) could be overflowing with the energy of the divine feminine. Venus will be in Cancer into next month (leaves 9/7), so listen to what emotions come to the surface to be expressed. PISCES, you will have Venus touring your creative zone, followed by your day-to-day work zone of the 6th house, when she tours LEO next month, so you will have quite a bit of VENUS JUJU to pour into your GIFTS you share with the world. If you are working with children and homeschooling them, this is an epic time to make it magical and wondrous. Whatever situation you find yourself in Pisces, there is a BEAUTY that is seeking realization.

MERCURY will depart Cancer for VIRGO (8/19), as will the Sun (8/22) and they will both tour your relationship house as we slip into September. Now that you have been through what you have been through in 2020, how does that need to be REFLECTED THROUGH YOUR RELATIONSHIPS? What does the New You need? How can you pay it forward for others in your life? This can be a sobering time to look at this energy of GIVE+RECEIVE. How can you bring it more into balance? With Mars in your 2nd house of self worth and personal values, making squares ALL THE REST OF 2020 to your house of your SOCIAL LIFE/NETWORKS, it’s all in all an excellent time to reassess how you fit and don’t fit into old scenarios. It’s also a time to remind yourself that we are in a field of QUANTUM EVOLUTION Pisces, and that And another reminder: remember that EVERYONE has the opportunity to rapidly evolve right now. It’s contagious and you rub that off on everyone you make contact with. See it for the others in your life. You just may be surprised who meets you around the bend in 2021.

PISCES - song of the month : BLACK BOYS ON MOPEDS, Sinead O’Connor


