You can fool some people sometimes, but you can’t fool all the people all the time.



While it may be hard to believe things could get worse or more challenging, I encourage you to mentally brace for the psychic temperatures in the collective to spike repeatedly in August (and throughout the remainder of the year).   Prepare your COOLING and CALMING rituals-as Mars, the Warrior planet, is on the move through his home sign Aries, and is making antagonizing squares to Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn in Capricorn.  These 3 mega-powerful planets are responsible for the epic breakdown and dismantling of antiquated systems and institutions on Earth in 2020, (where they haven’t met up in over 700 years!) The pandemic was the catalyst for this breakdown, but it was actually just the straw that broke the proverbial camel’s back.  

The long-overdue transition into the Aquarian Age is much greater than the virus or any one world leader or billionaire.  A massive expansion in the collective consciousness has been required for many years and humanity has finally arrived at our moment of truth.  We cannot proceed as we have previously on a planet where 1% of the population holds 90%+ of the wealth and where 90% of the population owes more than 70% of the debt; where billions of people don’t have clean water; and where our abuse of Gaia and the Divine Feminine has eroded a critical sense of BALANCE.  

While that may sound horrible and depressing, we have known these things for years and then a little tiny virus came along (no matter how it originated) that completely knocked us on our collective behind, especially here in the United States.  Here, the pandemic has been wildly politicized and totally mishandled, misrepresented, and denied and has most sane folks feeling despair.  It has unfortunately turned a whole other segment of the population into a Cult of Personality centered around a reality show host (based on that “super successful BusinessMan” schtick) who got into politics on the racist birtherism movement.  His campaign was the permission for other racists to come out of the closet and even the MAGA (Make America Great Again) idea is about turning back the clock of time to an era, pre-Civil Rights, when it was “really good” for middle class white America.  Cut to this summer- we saw the explosion of BLACK LIVES MATTER pushing back and creating a whole new wave of the Civil Rights movement. 

GOOD NEWS: going backwards and regressing society does not align with the New Earth and the Aquarian Age.  This decade began with a message:  get it together, or else.  As grueling and devastating it has been for many, the comfort and usefulness of astrology is being able to see things from the MACRO perspective and applying the understanding to our personal lives.  As Mars is the personal planet of our WILL and DESIRE and MOTIVATION, let’s look at his moves this month and plan accordingly.


For starters, Mars makes a dazzling and impassioned 6 month+ journey through ARIES this year, as opposed to his normal 6 week transit per sign.  He travels retrograde every 2 years and was last Rx in Aries in 1988!   By the opening of August, he is in the second half of his sign and starts making squares to the “situation” in fellow Cardinal energy Capricorn.  Cardinal signs are about change and initiation.  Mars will square JUPITER (8/4), PLUTO (8/13), and SATURN (8/24) who are all retrograde themselves.  In August he is in his “pre-shadow” phase before his own retrograde (9/9-11/13) so MARS is showing us where the needed work will be and where we can expect to run into issues.  Also quite noteworthy is (8/17) as Mars will conjoin with planet Eris, the Goddess of Discord (and Mars’ sister in mythology) who instigates, agitates, and exposes hypocrisy, abuse, and corruption in a square to Pluto.  She and “the Lord of the Underworld” have been doing this difficult dance for several years building up to 2020.  

Remember when Attorney General William Barr squashed the democratic process with the blockage of the release of the Mueller report in April of 2019 and we saw the blatant hubris of a corrupt, Patriarchal government?  Then there was the “suicide” of Jeffrey Epstein, serial child sex trafficker (which many believe was orchestrated by the powerful men that serve to go down when exposed for their participation in his abuse ring).  No coincidence, William Barr’s father was the Headmaster at the Dalton School where he hired Jeffrey Epstein in the 1970s, cementing a lifelong bond between the Barrs and Epstein, along with their buddy DJT).  That was the beginning of the Eris square Pluto era (2019-2021 and peaking to exactitude in December, 2020).   The Divine Feminine Consciousness of Eris pushed the “Golden Apple of Discord” (research the start of the Trojan War) into the collective’s face and said “Wait til you see what else has been going on.”  In August, we will see this conflict again at a fever pitch by Mars throwing a match on it.  

POSITIVE NOTE:  You will FEEL Mars and this is an opportunity to get strong, and prepare to move in a direct motion before next month’s pivot, when that energy will turn within, as Aries is the sign of self.  Whatever Mars is triggering in Capricorn for you is a massive momentum of change, even if it feels difficult right now.  Nobody said it was easy to become a Warrior.


Venus spends an extended time in Gemini for 4 months in 2020,  and just had her own once-in-8-year retrograde in Gemini in May/June.  She stimulated our conversations about our VALUES, what we want, and how we are going about that.  The murder of George Floyd sparked these extremely polarized responses we saw in our world-Gemini rules Duality, after all, and opposing viewpoints.  She made 3 squares to Neptune in Pisces since April-highlighting our ideals and inspiration for a new Golden Age on one side, and mass delusion on the other (like, “you have no control over anything and nothing you believe is real” via the Gaslighting technique of dominance).   I called it the “seeing what you want to see” affliction back in the spring.  Many have fallen into this denial of reality, and again buying into the extreme fear-based narratives out there that suggest WE cannot create a free society no matter what we do.  DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE!

In August VENUS finally departs the home of the Twins for Cancer (8/7), just after she conjoins the North Node at 28° Gemini, which is a really sweet transit that happens once a year approximately; the last time was in Cancer  8/16-8/17 of 2019.  She will transition from her thinking space and move into the heart/emotional space in the water sign of HOME, THE MOON, and our INNER EMOTIONAL LANDSCAPE  The Goddess of love, money, and beauty definitely offers to help us find a soft energy in our hearts and a love for what we do have (our homes, families, safety, security).  Since this love Goddess is related to our values, her meeting up with DESTINY is a time to get very clear on what your heart wants and connect that with the mind before her departure.  PAY ATTENTION:  to your feelings and your connection to the Divine Mother that protects All.


Neptune, ruler of Pisces, turned retrograde in his own sign around the Summer Solstice, and will be so until November 28, post election in the U.S.  I am not one to play into FEAR-BASED energies whatsoever, but be aware that there are many in power and control positions who will be pumping out conspiracy theories at a level completely unprecedented, sowing strife and chaos deliberately.  Prepare to see mass hysteria from those who are drinking the Kool-Aid being served by the powers that be.  The child-sex-trafficking issue is now somehow being conflated with Covid and the conspiracies that the Democratic “Elites”/ Liberals created the entire thing just to stop the election.  When you attempt to dissect this Q-Anon/right wing messaging, it isn’t easy-as it is designed to confuse and it is indeed triggering the subconscious, deep shadow of humanity.  For YOU, it can be a time to look at your dreams and *tune into* the messages coming from behind the curtain-your angels, guides, ancestors, past-life selves, and of course your Higher Self.  

POSITIVE NOTE:  While not occurring in Pisces, the LION’S GATE portal,  which happens every year on (8/8) during LEO season is a time when the ancient Egyptians and other ancient cultures celebrated the Earth aligning with the star Sirius (which is 26x brighter than our Sun and twice the size!).  The Pyramid of Giza aligns with this portal and was meant to amplify the already-magnificent surge of high-frequency light from the Great Central Sun (aka “the spiritual Sun” behind our Sun that filters through Sirius and then to Earth).  The entire week surrounding August 8, we are being flooded with this cosmic light.  It is said to upgrade our DNA and bring much-needed consciousness to the planet.   DO IT:  SOAK IT UP!


The other MAJOR source of emotional unrest comes with MERCURY’s start of the month, opposition to the clusterf*ck in Capricorn.  Oppositions to JUPITER (7/30), PLUTO (8/1), and SATURN (8/3) after Mercury’s recent Rx in Cancer, is asking us to look at how we feel about it all and make a choice on where you stand.  Are you going to head towards Unity or Division?  Do you want to go to the future and new paradigm or do you want to try to get back to where you once were?  Are you willing to do what is necessary to let go of the old and make the changes for the road ahead in your personal life?  What are you feeling called to speak/communicate and DO with the energy of Mars at your back?  Your stomach may rumble while Mercury wraps up this intense transit, as Mercury rules health and Cancer is the BELLY.

Mercury then enters Leo (8/4) for a quick 15 day jaunt, adding to the intense FIRE + LIGHT of the Lion’s Gate adding passion, a desire to play like the divine cosmic child you are, and perhaps make some love or make some babies!  Leo rules the heart and after all these enormous transits this summer, FORGIVENESS and the BENEVOLENCE of the King/Queen would do many of us good to channel and consciously choose to harness.  Once Mercury enters the zone of the Lion, you just may hear a roar come out of you-how will you direct?  You will have the benefit of the Messenger moving on to Virgo (8/19), for a “plan” and a sober-check in on what in your heart was just activated.  

GOALS: we shall call in a less angry and more sober mental outlook by the ingress into Virgo with a focus on healing and purification.  It may not be “Back to School” for most, but the late August ingress of the SUN into VIRGO (8/22) will further help your cause to be in your best *mental/physical/emotional/spiritual* space.  The Mars Rx begins (9/9) and is always a time where you may be tired, low energy, or weakened in some way, especially if you have been firing all cylinders in August.  As Mars rules our literal energy reserves, plan ahead!  REMEMBER:  Immunity and a positive attitude are EVERYTHING!


The month’s FULL MOON in Aquarius 12° (8/3) has a shocking + volatile element via a t-square to URANUS in Taurus by the Sun in Leo and the Moon.  Aquarius rules the collective CONSCIOUSNESS and social responsibility so that makes Uranus the ruler of the Aquarian Age.  He is in the sign of the BULL and earth plane (our systems of money/finance/food/real estate/wellness) until APRIL, 2026 and asks us to REJECT FEAR AND CELEBRATE OUR ABUNDANCE-your worth is not how ‘wealthy’ you are. This is the ultimate time to heal our poverty consciousness and CREATE new systems. (Also at the time of this writing, it was just announced that the U.S. has lost 30% of it’s annual GDP and millions are unemployed/facing eviction, while the GOP cut off the measly $600/week some were receiving).   Mercury will oppose Saturn in the Full Moon, a previously mentioned *trigger date* and will shake the tree to get us out of complacency or stubborn, stuck energy.   Uranus, aka the Great Awakener,  is set to station retrograde (8/15) so at the time of the Full Moon he is already barely moving, increasing his power.  CHOOSE:  to Innovate your entire existence

We reach the end of the LEO season and have the NEW MOON in LEO 26° (8/18) which seems odd, but this is happening because we had 6 months of new moons at 0° of their signs and now they will occur in the late degrees for some time.  Leo is about our individual gifts, and Aquarius is about where we share those gifts with the world.  Mars + Eris will be conjoined at this NEW MOON making a Fire Trine to the New Moon from 24° Aries.  If that is not motivation to begin a new project that serves ``the Cause” then I don’t know what is! If you are blowing smoke out of your nose and ears at this time, you must channel the Sacred Rage sparked by the Abuse of Power.  You’ve got to make it through this month safely, sanely, and fired up in a good way for CHANGE that is overdue.   SET THE INTENTION: To open your heart and use the CREATIVE power within it in service of Love and the planet.  You are needed.


As evidenced by the mafia-like behavior we have seen coming from the United States President and his and Administration, August will bring this to the forefront to those who have been doing their best to “tune out.” (Note: at the time of this writing, the POTUS has just threatened to cancel the election due to the pandemic while simultaneously trying to kill the US Postal Service to prevent mail-in voting and suppress the vote).  Does this sound like someone who is confident they are the supreme leader who cannot fail?  It doesn’t to me-in fact, the astrology of his chart speaks of growing paranoia and Dictator-like behavior on the rise in August.  While I always encourage healing tools such as meditation, time in nature, and being connected to positive people in your life, we must summon the inner strength and will to rise to the occasion of what we have collectively manifested.  We have lived through the past decade, with the beginning of a new 26,000 year cycle (Mayan astrology and cosmology) in 2012 and a sharp upturn in racism and xenophobia, during the Obama years with explosive levels of it since 2016.

We have seen billionaires get richer, while millions of folks lose hope and fall into drug addiction. We have been confronted in 2020 with the systemic racism that holds so many of these oppressive energies in place.  White people have been called to look at themselves and their own privilege and you only have to look to the #KARENSGONEWILD videos to see what it actually looks like.  As sickening as it is to watch, those of us who are attuned to the concept of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, are the ones who must initiate ourselves as Warriors, not to fight AGAINST others but to fight FOR justice, truth, democracy and peace.  

In August and for the duration of the MARS journey through the sign of Self, we will need strength to trust that this energy of oneness and inclusivity is the path forward.  By no means does that imply “getting along with,” enabling or tolerating this hate.  This is the essence of spiritual bypassing:  basically if it’s unpleasant or ugly it’s “unspiritual” so therefore “just stay positive and smile!”   While I am in no way advocating viciousness, there is a time when it is necessary to look darkness in the face and call a spade a spade.  Choose how you handle this with precision.  Your sword of destiny is with you and you must use it to cut through the Maya now more than ever.




