Spring is 10 Days from tomorrow! Woohoo.
Thursday, MAR 9, 2023. -Here is a subscriber supported VICTORY REPORT- enjoy! It’s almost SPRING. I can feel it coming. These cards I pulled were perfect and I share some optimism in my report of WHY you should be excited for these changes.
The Moon is in Libra- tomorrow she will square Pluto at 29 CAP for the last time. How are you transcending all the struggle and deep spiritual and emotional growth that Pluto in Capricorn has taught you?
Order your PERSONAL SPRING FORECAST below to get your astrological guidance
for the astrological NEW YEAR (March 20!)
March 9 + 10 victory report
Moon opposite Jupiter in Aries 9:27 AM
Moon opposite Venus 1:06 AM
Moon trine Mars 3:00 AM
Moon square Pluto 3:36 PM v/c
Moon enters Scorpio 4:06 PM
Moon trine Saturn 4:51 PM