The time is here. Saturn will ingress Pisces (MAR 7), Pluto will ingress Aquarius (MAR 23), and Mars will finally end his 7+ month-long transit through Gemini and ingress Cancer (MAR 25). We’ve been waiting for these changes for a long time. Some will take a long time to pan out, others will be more immediate.
Listen to Victoria’s Victory Report above for the heads up.
MAR 1 - Venus conjunct Jupiter
MAR 2 - Mercury conjunct Saturn
MAR 3 - Venus conjunct Chiron
MAR 7- Saturn enters Pisces, Full Moon in Virgo
MAR 11 - Venus sextile Mars, Jupiter conjunct Chiron
MAR 14 - Third Quarter Moon
MAR 15 - Sun conjunct Neptune , Mars clears post-Rx shadow phase
MAR 16 - Mercury conjunct Neptune, Venus square Pluto, Venus enters Taurus, Mercury square Mars
MAR 17 - Venus sextile Saturn
MAR 18 - Mercury sextile Pluto, Mercury enters Aries
MAR 20- Sun enters Aries: Spring Equinox
MAR 21 - New Moon in Aries
MAR 23- Pluto enters Aquarius (!!!!!!!!!!!)
MAR 25 - Mars enters Cancer
MAR 26 - Mercury conjunct Chiron
MAR 27 - Mercury conjunct Jupiter
MAR 28 - First Quarter Moon
MAR 30 - Mars trine Saturn