Winter is coming // WEEK AHEAD: December 16-22

DEC 16-- by Victoria Kray

The change of season is upon us: this week the Sun exits Sagittarius and enters Cardinal sign, Capricorn (Saturday, Dec 21) . The turning of the Ages is happening. The masses are truly waking up to the power imbalances, the greed, the systemic injustice, the exploitation of this planet’s resources and the theft of our children’s future.

We have the second Jupiter-Saturn square on Christmas Eve (first was Aug 15 at Kamala’s nomination at the DNC). This is connected to the Jupiter + Saturn conjunction of December 21, 2020. What was seeded then, is now at the TAKING ACTION stage; like a first quarter moon.


Here are the highlights for the week - you can listen to my VICTORY REPORT (audio above).

Monday-Moon in Cancer

Tuesday: Moon in Cancer > Leo

Wednesday: Moon in Leo conjunct Mars Rx,

Sun square Neptune

Thursday: Moon in Leo/Moon in Virgo,

Venus trine Jupiter

Friday: Moon in Virgo


Sunday: Third Quarter Moon
