DEC 23, 2024- IT’S ALMOST OVER. 2024 is coming to a close, but first we have a big week. Besides the obvious holiday, it’s the 2nd of 3 squares between Saturn + Jupiter (AUG 19, 2024; DEC 24, 2024; and JUN 15, 2025). This is the first quarter square between the two planets that met in their once-in-20 year-conjunction on December 21, 2020. Remember that? Well, this is when we really see what that was setting off and we have some crises related to their conjunction.
I know this: Donald Trump is going to be getting his chart HAMMERED (again) with Uranus acting as a wrecking ball to his chart’s Midheaven. Reminder: every time I have shown his midheaven getting negatively aspected, I have been correct. His Mar-a-Lago raid, the felony convictions, the assasination attempt, and now this energy coming. DON’T GIVE UP HOPE he gets what has been coming to him.
I’m busy preparing for the *2025 Year Ahead Webinar* which happens this Sunday, DEC 29, the same day that Chiron stations Direct. You know where to go to sign up.
HAPPY XMAS AND HANUKKAH-please participate in the social media data strike! No social media on 12/24 and 12/25, and Google, Hulu, Netflix, et al.