JAN 27, 2025- Victoria Kray
This week begins in early Aquarius season; and approaching the New Moon in Aquarius + Chinese New Year (year of the wood snake). It also happens to be a 9 year in numerology and it’s clear that we are in desperate need of shedding some collective old skin.
The biggest issue we face right now, especially here in the United States, is not Donald Trump. It’s OUR OWN MINDS that have been shocked and paralyzed into freeze mode. I’m here to tell you that you have 2 more days of this and then it’s go-time.
Mercury will enter Aquarius tonight around 6:52 PM Pacific. Things have felt HEAVY with Mercury in earthy-and-depressing Saturn ruled Capricorn. But things are about to speed up and this is why I urge you to recognize that we have a massive opportunity this week.
Mercury will enters Aquarius and will conjoin Pluto in Aquarius (for the first time since his final ingress into Aquarius on Nov 19). Tomorrow the Moon will enter Aquarius and will meet up with both. Then on Wednesday, the Sun + Moon will meet very close to both Mercury and Pluto for THE NEW MOON.
I hope you can make my NEW MOON IN AQUARIUS astro-gathering. I promise you won’t be depressed when you leave. I have VERY good astrology to report to get you on board for the 1) MENTAL REVOLUTION you need to be having to survive/thrive in the upcoming weeks and months, and 2) COLLECTIVE REVOLUTION being ignited right now of everyday folks who have had enough.
They are not coming to save us-and this is my unpleasant but necessary reminder that Hitler broke Germany’s democratic government in less than 2 months. We don’t have time to waste to stop what is already happening.
You chose to be here at this time and you don’t want to have to watch this awful period of history back in LIFE REVIEW on the other side, and painfully watch yourself do nothing. So, spare yourself the karma, and get on board!