Moon + Venus + Chiron in ARIES Today...
May 2, 2019 - MOON IN ARIES CONJUNCT VENUS + VESTA (on my Ascendant/Venus/Eris/Chiron today)
My Truth:: Here I am, the Guardian at the Gate of my own Destiny. I decide who is allowed in my space, and who is invited to share in this community of @victoryastrology, whether through my blog (here), social media (Instagram/Facebook), or subscription-based sites for Original Content Creators, like Patreon.
I have recently been flagged multiple times by “people” apparently who follow this feed on Instagram or who like to stalk Truth-tellers for no legitimate reasons (one blurry photo of naked woman standing in front of a fire, a post where I called out Instagram and it literally blocked me from Saving the text of the post, etc). Meanwhile, I’m subjected to women who try to make themselves into “Kardashians” and are allowed to post photos of their butt implants with a dental floss “bikini” on. Or, better yet, let’s not forget the breastfeeding SCANDAL of a few years ago where all the Mamas with a baby on them were removed by Instagram). Oh, and then there is the stealing and sharing of private information on their users so they can make more advertising dollars. Yeah, homey don’t play that game no more!
Unlike those who post generic astro-mumbo jumbo that has obviously been cut and pasted with other’s work (often incorrectly), I spend enormous time and energy in SHARING free information in a sincere effort to educate and help others. I’ve been harassed by people saying I’m not “spiritual” because they don’t like my observations, had b.s. Trump supporters message me crap and been directly ripped off word-for-word by Instagram Astrologers with 50k followers (I have less than 700!) Oh, and hey-when you WATCH MY STORIES every single day and never engage or “like” anything I do, and then I see you repeating what I said in a lesser version, guess what? I SEE YOU.
Point is: I’m going private and probably leaving social media as it currently stands in as a “Pay-for-Play” Model in the near future. Sorry, #facebook and #instagram, NO, I’m not paying you more money so my work will even be visible. And I’m REALLY SICK OF ALL THE ADS. I know I’m tired of it, so I’m sure a lot of you are too. We are bombarded with thousands of ads per day just to see a few minutes of good content.
If you have a private page yourself on Instagram and I have no way of identifying you, I will remove you. You can then request to Follow with a simple DM to me saying who you are and I will request to Follow you back. If you allow me to see your profile, I will accept. I don’t do TROLLS. And if you need a private page for whatever reason, fair enough, then simply introduce yourself and you can join. Better yet, you can support my work on @patreon -my page launching Saturday just in time for New Moon in TAURUS. I will have affordable options.
TODAY: Mercury in Aries is squaring Pluto, and coming out of square to Saturn + South Node-it has us making DECISIONS about what to let go of and what to work hard to maintain. I’ve studied Astrology since I was 15. I turn 45 (gulp) on May 15. I care about empowering people so we can Ascend into the Aquarian Age-I didn’t come for a fluffy experience or to conform to some false narrative of spiritual bypassing. And when the shackles of oppression and conformity start creeping in on my Creativity- and my Vocation is affected, I will BREAK THOSE CHAINS.
I believe in an ORGANIC FUTURE of real-life connections, Natural Law influencing how we live and work, and magnetizing the people who I am MEANT TO WORK WITH by my reputation and legitimate referrals! Thank you to all who have shared my name and spread the good word of VICTORY ASTROLOGY.