Taurus Wrap-UP and entrance into GEMINI SEASON
Me on the day of the SUN + MERCURY conjunction….feeling soooooo good
SATURDAY, MAY 25, 2019 -
Today, there is a very long VOID OF COURSE Moon in Aquarius from 5:51 AM - 11:08 PM Pacific, so thought it was a good time on the holiday weekend
to recap the BIG astro-EVENTS that happened in the past week and try to get a OVERVIEW OF WHAT JUST HAPPENED :
*Scorpio Full Moon - Saturday, May 18, 2019 - BECOMING UNSTUCK
This was a RELEASING of our OLD DESIRES and trading them in for THE NEW DESIRES. You may have seen some Scorpio-like Shadow material surface, but hopefully you let go of anything that felt dark or negative and dealt with anyone’s projections hurled at you with a stealthy side-step!
Note: The Scorpio Full Moon is one to journal about-you will want to remember what was happening in SPECIFICS as we process this season/year at a later date. I felt like it was a MAJOR TURNING POINT in this year’s story unfolding, especially as it revealed important INFORMATION on what connections you want to nurture and get in deeper with, and possibly who/what isn’t as loyal as they claim. Scorpio is ALL ABOUT trusting ourselves, our Intuition, our guts. You know what you know-and you hopefully KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. This signaled a time of really letting go of our FEAR about taking the steps necessary to begin to ANCHOR IN OUR NEW EARTH LIVES. Scorpio is a HEALING, TRANSMUTATIVE, TRANSFORMATIONAL energy that can Alchemize anything lesser into GOLD, but ONLY if it penetrates emotionally and explores the deeper parts. Give yourself a pat on the back if you ‘went there’ and did the work.
*Venus conjunct Uranus in Taurus - exact Saturday, May 18 (but in effect May 13-23) - THE FUTURE (uranus) IS FEMALE (venus) IN THE NEW EARTH (taurus)
IT’S OFFICIAL - this was THE KICK-OFF of the Uranus in Taurus era…. this HYPER-FOCUS ON THE FEMININE was the meeting of Venus (the feminine) with Rebel and Idealist Uranus (the future/the Aquarian Age/5D). This colored all last week and this energy was a very new invigorating meeting between Venus, the ruler of Taurus, with her new housemate Uranus-who will be staying for 8 years in her sign. Uranus’ transit will revolutionize many things related to GAIA and all-things ruled by Taurus, but one thing is for certain, this week began his SERIOUS UPGRADING of the Divine Feminine and giving it NEW LIFE.
You may have felt inspired, aroused, delighted, and just EXCITED to embark on this new era-hopefully you got some of those downloads on paper-because Venus now at 12° Taurus has moved on from this meeting with Uranus and is quickly moving through the rest of Taurus until she enters Gemini on June 8. She came along and HAD THE CONVERSATION ABOUT WHAT SHE WANTS WITH URANUS. Did you get the message?
So, now we’ve completed following in the Taurus/Scorpio AXIS:
*the New Moon in Taurus - May 4
*the Full Moon in Scorpio - May 18
*the Venus+Uranus conjunction in Taurus - May 13-23
*Sun + Mercury CAZIMI // Conjunction - Tuesday, May 21 - MAJOR BLESSING OF OUR MINDS FROM THE SUN
They entered Gemini holding hands (aka in a Conjunction) and the slower, Earthy Taurus vibes went out the back door. A CAZIMI is when any planet is within 17° of the Sun, and it is considered to be a BLESSING. So, Mercury at 0° Gemini was blessed by the Sun-offering us QUANTUM AWARENESS on this past Taurus season. You may have felt this considerably-it was BUZZY BUZZY BEES and lots of ideas, thoughts, downloads, and information pouring out. You may have been able to dive into the Air-Sign Mental Energy overload, but it took a toll on most people’s energy levels. I was tweaked and flowing with all the expected vibes, but definitely felt like I had overdosed on coffee, even though I hadn’t. Mercury is in his HOME SIGN and moving very fast, having made a sextile to Chiron on Thursday from 5° Gemini, further highlighting REALIZATIONS about what-just-happened, already at 9° Gemini as of today, May 25. He will blaze through the sign of THE CITY, THE LOCAL NEIGHBORHOOD, SIBLINGS, INFORMATION, DATA, MEETINGS, CONVERSATIONS, AND IDEAS, IDEAS, IDEAS. Expect to be rocking and rolling though this Gemini season with Mercury as ringleader before moving on to Cancer on June 4. RECOMMENDED ACTION: really try to write down any A-HAs you had this week…with the overload of information pouring fast, there is surely a few nuggets you don’t want to leave behind.
*MARS Square Chiron - Wednesday, May 22 // * MARS Sextile Uranus - Friday, May 24
All week, Mars was at beginning of Cancer making a square to Chiron in the beginning of Aries-BLOWING UP the Abortion Issue, as Politicians (Right-Wing, Republican, Patriarchal) try shifting our attention away from Donald Trump and the demise of the Republican party-with another round of the War on Women. They are attempting to TAKE AWAY a woman’s right to choose whether to carry a baby or not-even in cases of rape and incest (read: INSANE): EXPECT THIS TO BE THE MAJOR ISSUE in January 2020 that will most likely be in Supreme Court or come to a major head 7-9 months from now. Remember, the stage was set for the January 2020 Eclipse in April and May, which was also dominated by the Mueller Report (and all the shenanigans of a Government struggling to hold it together). Don’t they know Mars in Cancer and traveling for upcoming meet-up with North Node in Cancer is going to SHAKE THE TREES with the anger and motivation for the WOMEN to mobilize and UNIFY for the Political Battles ahead?
In your personal life, Mars in Cancer was squaring Chiron in Aries asking us HOW WE FEEL about wherever this is happening in our charts. Mars in Cancer brings up fiery emotions, especially when it’s anything at odds with our Authenticity or being free to exist as we truly are! Mars will move out of square with Chiron soon, and onward, to EMBARK on making progress on all things that were just made CLEAR. But Mars ONLY wants to move on if everyone is clear on how he feels, which requires confrontation in some cases.
All week Mars’ sextile to Uranus gave extra-ILLUMINATION and AWARENESS of his feelings, so it should be clear at this point what Mars is activating in our EMOTIONAL reality (check your early Cancer degrees to see if it’s hitting anything directly). We are being given the GREEN LIGHT to proceed in the restructuring required by the longer term energies.
MOON IN AQUARIUS, Saturday, May 25 Long Void of Course all day
Saturday starts with an early-morning Moon - Jupiter sextile to spark the day. The Aquarius “Friends + Groups” Moon is making a holiday weekend easy to start off with a long Void of Course from before 6 AM, until after 11 PM when Moon will shift into Pisces. Use the day to DO NOTHING if you can. Or just HANG OUT WITH LOVED ONES. RELAX. ENJOY.
MOON IN PISCES, 3rd Quarter Square // Sunday, May 26, 9:33 AM
I always recommend taking note of the lunar cycle and it’s major dates every month-there is a story unfolding and you can track it easily if you look back, RIGHT AFTER IT’S HAPPENED vs. trying to figure it out a few months from now. Here are the dates of this lunar cycle that are relevant:
THIRD QUARTER SQUARE MOON - (Pisces) Sunday, May 26 9:33 AM
We will be FACING RESOLUTION this week, now for whatever came up through this lunar cycle. We are being asked to FEEL and INTUIT our way through it, and to hopefully FORGIVE and find COMPASSION (Pisces) for the issues that came our way. If you are unable to do that at this time, you may need to assert some boundaries (Pisces issue), if you are still in the thick of it with anyone or any situation.
With the SUN Sextile Chiron, exact 9:37 AM, you could definitely wake up SUNDAY feeling good. Feeling the healing energy of the Sun in Gemini sextile Chiron in Aries. Gemini and Aries get along great, and the Sun in Gemini sextiling Chiron is like laying out on a beach blanket at your favorite spot on the planet, with your best friend who TOTALLY GETS YOU. And has popsicles for you. And who loves you SO MUCH because you are who you are. Even if you don’t have that to share with someone today, be your own best friend and take in the energy of it all. With the Moon in Pisces, it could be advantageous to SIT WITH whatever came up regarding your WORTH, your Values, your GODDESS-HOOD, your Divine Feminine, and your Money. You have one week to wrap up the Taurus lunar cycle and Sunday is where we are called to INTEGRATE and head for the next cycle in one week, with the Gemini New Moon.
Basically, we are in the throes of major societal movement and this past month of the Uranus -in-Taurus KICK-OFF showed us where we need to deal with practical issues of building THE NEW EARTH. The work is cut out fo us. Now we begin the task of orchestrating it all, while trusting that the Universe is gently nudging us along and we are always guided if we look up at the Stars.