


Sagittarius is the domain of Consciousness, Spirituality, Philosophy + Religion, as well as Foreign Lands, Far-off Travel + Spiritual Wanderlust. 

This morning’s Full Moon, exact early today at 1:30 AM was conjunct the expansive ruler of Sag, JUPITER, adding fuel to the lunation.  And this Full Moon is also conjunct the Galactic Center, the black hole that is 4 light-years wide in the center of the Milky Way, our Galaxy.  This is the womb of our galaxy, assisting us to BIRTHING our new Reality. It is the VOID, the place where CREATION originates. It is the connection to our Intergalactic Brothers + Sisters.

With AMPLIFIER-IN-CHIEF Jupiter and ruler of Sagittarius, there in his HOME SIGN, we now have a MEGA-opportunity to blast through any Resistance to EXPANSION, and a chance to eradicate LIMITING BELIEFS.  This really is a time to punch out, cut off, burn, remove, and RELEASE anything that is an obvious blockage to you and your shining new 5D life because our Homegirl ERIS (the Subversive Feminine who stars in the Show of January 2020) is making a FIRE TRINE to the Moon in Sag, from Aries…where she is patiently waiting all year to MAKE HER IMPACT KNOWN. She is fueling the motivation to IGNITE a MOVEMENT that is happening all over the globe against Tyranny + Oppression + Destruction. SHE is behind the scenes activating and making contact to this MID-WAY point and we want to take her FORCE FOR AWARENESS to the Highest level of Integrity we can (vs. just being a shit-starter for no reason who is pissed off and throwing rocks). We want to harness her intelligence and awareness for our LONGER-TERM projects that are unfolding. MAKE A NOTE TO THANK ERIS TODAY.

NOTEWORTHY in the chart:

*MERCURY + MARS + NORTH NODE are conjoined in Cancer, opposing the CAPRICORN lineup of  SATURN Rx + PLUTO Rx + SOUTH NODE.

With this CANCER// CAPRICORN axis being Activated, we are asked to FACE the Path we are ON towards January 2020 with the Capricorn Eclipse and ELIMINATE anything standing in the way of where your 🖤 TRULY wants to move. 

Meanwhile the Jupiter and Neptune  made their 2nd of 3 exact squares in 2019 yesterday emphasizing our need to harness our IDEALISM without being unrealistic or drinking the Kool-Aid. We had a Mutable T-Square when the Mercury + the Sun joined this Jupiter/Neptune square in the past couple weeks, which creates confusion/delusion/depression or if you are lucky-just a little stagnation and impatience….it had us Questioning and sorting Fact from Fiction. We may NOT HAVE KNOWN what we know now. We should be getting clear on the DIRECTION WE WANT TO GO (North Node in Cancer). Mars has been moving thru Cancer for the past few weeks, stirring up EMOTIONS + FEELINGS for clearing and clarity. Anything moving through Cancer in normal astrology is HOME/FAMILY/ROOTS/EMOTIONAL INNER WORLD, but THIS IS NOT NORMAL astrology when we have the game changer of our lives, coming in Capricorn on the opposite side of the Zodiac. BOTTOM LINE: The Saturn/Pluto/South Node in Capricorn where we are heading for COMPLETE PARADIGM SHIFT in January 2020 is 6 months away ::: THIS is the turning point.

We are walking the tight rope to the other side in July with the Eclipses and Mercury Rx in Cancer :: TIME TO RELEASE superfluous belongings, situations, but especially old mental garbage and limiting BELIEFS.  Jupiter is activating DESTINY in this lunation ::: CALL. IT. IN. .


Think these KEY WORDS FOR SAGITTARIUS FULL MOON: Truth, Integrity, Honesty, Warmth, Optimism, Generosity, Inclusivity, and Expansion.




Me, in Spiritual Seeker mode in 2002, as Pluto and the South Node were transiting over my North Node in Sagittarius. MAJOR Before/After period in my life. I was visiting Maui on this trip and later in year moved there for period of massive spiritual…

Me, in Spiritual Seeker mode in 2002, as Pluto and the South Node were transiting over my North Node in Sagittarius. MAJOR Before/After period in my life. I was visiting Maui on this trip and later in year moved there for period of massive spiritual EXPANSION.