SUN + MOON 10° CANCER 37’ exact at 12:16 PM Pacific/ 3:16 PM Eastern

SUN + MOON 10° CANCER 37’ exact at 12:16 PM Pacific/ 3:16 PM Eastern


The "MOTHER-LOVE" vibration is the basic essence of CARING.

Empathy.  Emotional Security.   Nurturance. Warmth. Comfort.  Safety. HOME.

People you feel ‘at home’ with.  Food made with Love. Fostering animals.

Volunteering to feed the homeless. 

Mother Teresa. Amma. Water Rights Activism.  

Taking care of the sick. Nesting. Safe spaces. Feeling satiated.

Breasts// Stomach. Self-Care. Water therapy.


This is the 2nd of 4 Eclipses aspecting the North Node in Cancer, starting with last July, 2019 and ending next summer 2020.   Incredibly, these eclipses are on the same degrees of THE ECLIPSES OF JULY, 2000 (and the subsequent CAN/CAP eclipses in 2001/2002 years which were most notably remembered by the massive collective emotional upheaval of 9/11). These were the last years we had this CANCER/CAPRICORN axis activated in this same place, 19 years ago.

We are supposed to be in an extended period of time,  feeling it ALL.  Feeling our Humanness. Feeling our Fear consciously and facing it head on, is the greatest gift you can give to your inner child. We are facing our collective Security issues with Climate Change and the Refugee crisis symbolizing the Orphaned Child, the Homeless, and Water issues.

The true teachings of All the Ascended Masters include: Caring for the most vulnerable in our communities and human family. We can no longer turn a blind eye to babies floating in rivers and children dying in cages under some kind of FALSE SECURITY THREAT, which is really just a Corporate, Military-Industrial Complex POWER GRAB (shadow Capricorn) for more MONEY (example: one of these corporations profiting from others’ entrapment at a cool $775/night per child). If that doesn’t touch you deeply, and stir up that ERIS energy in Aries to overthrow the Powers that Be, I don’t know what will. I’m pretty sure if you are reading this, you are part of the Awakening and looking to ASTROLOGY + SPIRITUALITY to help make sense of it all and to UNDERSTAND your Purpose and what you can do personally.

BEING THE MOTHER-LOVE VIBRATION is how you can do it. You radiate love from every pore of your being, especially during this Eclipse portal. It is an amplified field and it RIPPLES out, you can be sure of that.

You are your own Mother now at this NEW MOON IN CANCER SOLAR ECLIPSE-(whether your Mother is in your life on this planet or not), because you are REBIRTHING your Dream in the Highest Frequency Imaginable.   You are the Mother of Your Highest Timeline.  No one else.  

So you now have the opportunity to activate your TRUE HEART’S DESIRES with a MAJOR surge of energy for expressing your emotions and CLARIFYING visions of your Future Tribe, supportive environments, and how you want to be nurtured and cared for. 

We are due (and in some cases Overdue) for making decisions and choices that SUPPORT YOUR DREAM.  Events may require quickly letting go of things or people you can’t bring into the new path. It may trigger you to process and release ancestral karma in some ‘strange’ way.  You may have visitations from loved ones on the other side-as the veil is thin and that is why it’s important to be as grounded as possible. You may feel a sudden surge to go into super-care for your body and soul in a totally new way.  EMBRACE any and all waves of self-Love.  


drink extra high quality water and more of it,

get good sleep and rest when necessary,

keep your Voice Memo handy on phone when you have insights and downloads. 


Chant and listen to quiet devotional music and binaural beats when you sleep.


THIS IMAGE screams CANCER by my favorite erotic artist: @tinamariaelena

THIS IMAGE screams CANCER by my favorite erotic artist: @tinamariaelena

We are AWAKENING the Heart chakra and our stomachs need GENTLE energies to release the trapped emotions we carry in our bellies ( Cancer rules the stomach).   Cancer usually eats their feelings-and maybe this time around, go overboard on indulging yourself with EVERYTHING THAT IS GOOD FOR YOU. Invest your time in some breast massaging. Try to be naked and in water as much as possible! I will be drinking the Mother (Raw Apple Cider Vinegar daily!)


Eclipses speed up the endings of chapters of our lives, and thus they bring in new chapters as well.  If we can be as CLEAR and AWARE of what the energies are on a daily basis during the TWO WEEK PORTAL, we can CHOOSE to make rapid progress.  But treading through the deep waters of CANCER, with the North Node leading the way and drawing our ATTENTION to our  e m o t i o n s.  

We are to Surrender to the Forces of Evolution and  TRUST that the Great Mother, the Universal Force of Love is always supporting you and that you can CREATE + BIRTH your new reality in this potent energy field.  Use the time wisely and you shall surely wake up 6 months from now in a whole new HIGHER TIMELINE. There will be a few course corrections now - don’t freak. Get streamlined.

MAJOR PLAYERS: New Moon is Sextile URANUS in Taurus, and Square CHIRON in Aries. Chiron and Mercury are stationing to go Rx and Mars and Venus are both changing signs this week. But the BIG feels are coming from the loose opposition to SATURN + THE …

MAJOR PLAYERS: New Moon is Sextile URANUS in Taurus, and Square CHIRON in Aries. Chiron and Mercury are stationing to go Rx and Mars and Venus are both changing signs this week. But the BIG feels are coming from the loose opposition to SATURN + THE SOUTH NODE in Capricorn.


Uranus is making a very helpful SEXTILE to the New Moon from TAURUS, where he is busy GROUNDING IN THE NEW EARTH. Uranus is the Higher Consciousness and in earthy Taurus he is shaking up systems of Value and Money that are OLD SCHOOL and need to GO. He may be pointing out where we may need to drop some EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE.

Chiron is squaring the New Moon from Aries and about to station Retrograde - the Spiritual Warrior has been Direct in Aries for 7 months and is ready for a break. His recent full-time entry into Aries has been squeezing many of us to step into this new phase and OWN our strength regarding how we feel about ourselves and to step up to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Chiron Rx is giving us a chance to look within and see where we can re-adjust. In the meantime, the SQUARE from Cancer New Moon to Chiron may feel like a little bit of a poke from the stick. Just remember this is a New Moon x 10!

Mars is in his new LEO phase, and happy to be socializing, feeling good, and SHINING. Venus will enter Cancer July 3, and both Mars and Venus will be in new territory. RIPE ENERGIES for meeting someone in the LOVE DEPARTMENT. Eclipses bring fated events-and if you are DESTINED to meet that significant Love connection, keep your radar ON (another good reason to be CLEAR + AWARE during this portal).


BLESSINGS TO YOU ON THIS HOLY ECLIPSE PORTAL ENTRANCE! May the changes be for your Highest Good Always!

And so it is.
